Thursday, November 24, 2005

operation bridesmaid

Current mood: deeply concerned... no, worried... terrified?

Tonight I went to my first bridesmaid meeting. I've known my engaged friend since I was 3 or 4, from the time we went to Storytime at the public library. Her wedding is next September. The other bridesmaids wanted to start planning the staggette/shower now. It's November. I'm terrified.

OK, terrified is too strong a word. Deeply concerned.

I mean, I love her dearly. I do. And she has no say in this whole staggette/shower thing. And I like to plan as much as the next OCD person. But, holy cow! It's 10 months! They're talking about getting seafood flown in from Nova Scotia!

Fine. It will probably be a blast. I just want it to unfold before me. Thankfully my current task is to wait for my new Polaroid to arrive in the post and start taking pictures of our planning meetings. I say meetings for a reason. It's just begun.

And I want to give a shout-out to my girl in E-town: Yo Dulcie! Happy Birthday! I'm listening to jale just for you! On cassette! Check out that cake!

Currently listening:
Dream Cake
By Jale
Release date: 12 July, 1994

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