Tuesday, November 8, 2005

the mean reds

Current mood: nostalgic

Tonight I went to see Breakfast At Tiffany's at the Ridge. It was pretty awesome to see it on the big screen. The one problem was that, being over 40 years old, the copy had seen finer days. There were a number of skips and jumps, including my favourite scene where Mag Wildwood finally passes out after threatening to feed Rusty Trawler to the yak. Gone! But the ending was so much better spliced, where the music really couldn't build to that ridiculous crescendo of emotion. Because that's not the way it's supposed to end.

I want to be in love like in old movies. (Damn you, Ben Gibbard! You and your catchy songs!) Or with a George Peppard lookalike from his fine, and wildly handsome, years circa 1962. Amusingly and superficially talented if necessary.

Currently listening:
It's Love
By Softies
Release date: 26 September, 1995

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