Saturday, March 31, 2007


I have seen movies this week, more than I have all year. Which really isn't saying much since I only ever go when they are free.

Thursday was "300" and that was kinda neat. I like graphic novels recreated as movies, especially when they make realtime filming look exaggerated and cartoonish. The splattering blood, the insane fight sequences, the odd colour tones and creepy darkness except for the Spartans' red cloaks... I had heard that it had a lot of gay overtones, which I always like in movies, and, at one point when the creepy gay-ish king of Persia said something reeking of sexual innuendo with a long pause after it, I and many around me snickered at what wasn't being said. Gay gay. After a while I was enthralled by the airbrushed abs and tiny leather panties the Spartans wore and wished someone would get it on. But they didn't. The women had perkier nipples than is human, so we wondered if there were nipple enhancements or the like.

Last night I went to "Blades of Glory," mainly because I like Will Ferrell, but also because I used to be obsessed with figure skating and wanted to see what they did with it. So many figure skater cameos, including the skater I hate most (I like to refer to her as "Horseface"). Amy Poehler and Will Arnett were hilarious and I always love a movie that has mascots being injured. For a few minutes Jon Heder was hot. Scott Hamilton looked well. Mike, I expect after your conference you'll go to see this about 30 times in the next week or so.

Oh, my co-worker went to a party last week and Alan Cumming was there. I wish I went to parties that Alan Cumming would go to.

Yesterday at work my friend came back to work after being run down by a driver who was talking on his cellphone while making a turn on her walking light. She still has broken bones and an enormous bump on her head, but thank goodness she's alive and worse didn't happen. We ate a lot of chocolate brownie cake to celebrate this fact. It is also one of the librarian's birthdays on Sunday, so we got him a caramel apple pie. I think I'm still experiencing sugar overdose symptoms.

Am going to try the black & tan cupcakes again this weekend, or so the plan goes. Trying to decide if it's worth it to make the recipe the way it's supposed to be or just make it wrong again. The wrong ones were so right.

Currently listening :
By Ninetynine
Release date: 23 December, 2003

Thursday, March 29, 2007

psychics make me angry

I looked over my old journals from Japan today. For a while I was writing almost daily, trying to get down all the little everyday things that made me nuts. It seemed important, like I would want to remember all that stuff even while it pushed me into a major depression. Today I wish I hadn't.

The entry on the visit to the psychic was hard to read. Essentially, the trio of psychics gave me a bunch of information and some timelines on when to expect stuff to happen. Some of the stuff has happened, like school and job stuff. The personal/relationship stuff hasn't. Or at least I convinced myself of that because I'm still single.

Looking back at the info, I see that the one psychic said I would meet someone at work, that it would be a good match and I might marry. I figured, since I'm not dating anyone from work, that was untrue and hadn't happened yet. But I realise that it probably has happened, that I have met someone at work who is a good match. It's just that we are friends and will only ever be friends. This became more real when I realised she said two people similarly passed between my 20th and 22nd years: I know who those people are because it was the same sort of situation.

She also said I could decide to wait for my soul mate to show up, who will be here in a couple of years. The thing that bothers me today (because I have to fixate on something irrational everyday) is that, even though this soul mate business is apparently on its way, past experience dictates that he, too, will only be friends with me.

This whole thing makes me angry.

I wouldn't believe anything if they hadn't predicted certain other things. And outlined my entire character in less than three minutes. Maybe I'm that predictable.

Fuck, I wish school were done this semester. It's making me MENTAL with worry. Or just generally mental.

Currently listening :
The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most
By Dashboard Confessional
Release date: 20 March, 2001

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

beer brain

Just making grilled cheese sandwiches. Mmmm... grilled cheese.

This morning class ended super early (11am!) and I went for the weekly post-class drinks with classmates, only to discover that the place we always go will start serving at 11am. So next week I'm hoping class ends a little earlier still so we can start drinking at 10:30am. It seems crazy to drink that much before noon, but whatever. Drinking is good for me. Today we discussed cruelty-free eating (thanks to some propaganda handed out outside the library), an intense discussion on why opening an all-bacon restaurant would be the best place ever, and a wedding (Rich's) this fall that will include a chocolate fountain, an ice sculpture of a swan, an open bar, and Nearly Neil as a headliner. He keeps teasing us that we'll be able to come after the reception portion, but I won't believe it until I get a real invitation with address included. Seriously, a wedding with Nearly Neil sounds so awesome; the chocolate fountain doesn't hurt either.

I also stopped off at the liquor store for more big bottles. There are 9 on my countertop, waiting for the fridge to empty a little before being added to the stash. I see now the absolute necessity for such a collection. And I no longer worry about being an alcoholic: I've got other things to worry about.

Sunny today. Want to ride my bike, but feel like I should do some homework. Or watch the QuickView I have from the library that is due back tomorrow.

On my way home from grocery shopping, I happened to see Terry sitting at a coffee shop. It's the first time I've ever just seen someone I know hanging out on Main Street without having pre-existing plans. I need to meet more peeps in the 'hood so it happens more. Or I need to get out more during waking hours. Or out more in general. Or start drinking coffee.

Last night while out with Eileen and Stuart, I learned that a few years ago someone at work called in a hooker and was caught in a public washroom in action. I had heard that someone on staff had sucked off a patron (guy on guy: hot), but that it was a hooker brings it up to a whole new level. People are so naughty. Why would you call in a hooker to your workplace WHILE you were working? It just seems insane. At least wait for a lunch break or something.

The beer this morning is making me sleepy. I should have a nap.

What ever happened to Frente!? She reminds me so much of Bonnie Pink. Or maybe it's the other way around.

Currently listening :
Marvin the Album
By Frente!
Release date: 26 April, 1994

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

the jist

No news is good news, right?

I've got very little new news to tell. This doesn't mean nothing is happening; it just means things seem to be more of the same. March has been cruel and heartless, piling on one bad thing after another. I wish all the bad stuff would stop when this month does. Not sure how much more I can take.

The jist: friend hit by car and broken bones, friend hit by falling industrial cheese slicer and gushing blood, friend rear-ended by another car and consequently addicted to the Pussycat Dolls search and blaming me because I said to take extra care after the first 2 accidents (bad things come in 3s), 3 cases of cancer (see?), marital problems for close relatives, rapid declining health of a close relative to the point where I have to plan one last visit before the inevitable, school and work getting in the way of all that, and the anxiety that has been more regularly triggered by the aforementioned. And the distraction I used to rely on has suddenly grown a conscience. Stupid conscience.

I feel extremely weird this morning. Actually, I suppose it started last night and today is the continuation. Perhaps this positive turn of the weather has me worried. Maybe it's the sugar.

Finally watched the last half of the Indiana Jones trilogy, after my viewing partner fell asleep last week mid-"Temple of Doom." I made a batch of banana walnut cupcakes with cream cheese icing on Sunday night and we ate those. Scratch that: I had one and he had, like, four. Maybe three. But of the 22 at the start of the evening, I now have 10. And I guess I sent him home with 5. And I might have had one after he left. And maybe one this morning. The real question is: what do I do with a solid cup-worth of cream cheese icing?

Is "The Last Crusade" the best of the three because of Sean Connery? Or did Harrison Ford finally start to act better? Or was the female lead the least annoying of all his ladies? These are questions I ponder...

Next up is the second in the "Librarian" movie series. Seriously, have you seen how absolutely terrible the first one is? Complete Indiana Jones rip-off, which is why it seems fitting to watch it right after the trilogy. Good comparison. I'm having a problem figuring out why Bob Newhart is in this, but whatever.

Today is Eileen's birthday. She gave up sweets for Lent. Does anyone else find that needlessly hurtful? Not just to herself (she loves cake), but to those around her who feel somewhat snubbed that we can't eat cake on her birthday because it would make her feel bad? It looks like no cake will be served until she decides to celebrate her birthday, likely after school is done and Easter has passed. Like I'm going to make judgements on delayed birthdays...

I have my house back. My house guest decided... well, I'm not sure what she decided other than that she wasn't staying here anymore. I'm relieved, even though I'm concerned about her. This apartment wasn't big enough for the two of us.

She did leave all the ingredients for mushroom soup, so maybe I'd better attempt to make it before the mushrooms start fighting the broccoli and try to take over the fridge with the salad dressing army. The bottles of beer are probably better lovers than fighters.

Currently listening :
Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant
By Belle & Sebastian
Release date: 06 June, 2000

Saturday, March 24, 2007

dance parties @ 20% dancing

This morning I have the house to myself, but only until I leave it to do homework, right around the time I would likely no longer have the house to myself anyway.

I am still sleepy and should be in bed. Even though I didn't get to bed until about 1:45am, I am awake at 7am and have been for at least a half hour. This is dumb. It's not the light of the morning: there's none of that to be seen. It's conditioning. I hate being so Pavlovian.

Yesterday I IMed with Neal Ozano, man of gigantic cranial mass, and discovered he is in Edmonton right now for an indefinite amount of time (he's been in Halifax since my Japan days). There is a possibility that I will see my old flatmate after.... maybe 8 or 9 years, though that does sound ridiculous. We discussed something about lying, him being shocked I would suggest he lie about wanting to work to get a job, when I reminded him about writing his own obituary at the student paper we worked for. This got me interested to see what info remains of it, but I haven't been able to find much mention of it and tiredness prevents me from searching much more this morning. Sad, really.

Last night I went to the Columbia to see Shout Out Out Out Out with 5 other people. My house guest and I took the bus and, after arriving to a line-up, saw that two of the guys on our bus were the "bouncers" (the one guy had too much manscaping to be a real bouncer). We got in about 15 minutes later after they moved the regular drunks out (the Columbia is in the heart of the Downtown Eastside, or maybe just a valve or the aorta proper) and claimed what proved to be the only seating surface remaining in the whole place (the organisers decided it should be a "standing room only" kind of night). The 4 others arrived later and we chit chatted while listening to a couple of djs play ironic mixes of songs from the '80s, waiting for SO4 to play.

Waiting is key.

Some in our party started getting restless around 11:30, watching embryonic hipsters waiting for the coat check (a makeshift operation that was run worse than any high school dance coat check. Seriously, how can ONE PERSON run a coat check for 400 people on a rainy night?) and trying desperately to be noticed. The music might have been getting on their nerves (seriously, I don't need to hear shitty dance club music circa 1992), or it could have been the smoke wafting around us from the smoking room across the checkered floor (ladies with bellies full of babies don't need that shit [me neither]). By 12:20 they had had enough and swiftly left. Admitedly, I was getting sick of seeing people, but I keep missing SO4 so wanted to see a bit of them. They went on almost exactly at 12:30am and the place went a bit squirrely.

The remaining two of us weaved onto the dancefloor as people surged towards the stage. I'm pretty sure it was a chain-the-doors-to-keep-the-fire-marshalls-out kind of capacity, but only one person that kept obliviously banging into us really annoyed us. And the dancing guy with a polyester shirt on (read: smelly BO). And the drugged up girl in front of me who kept putting her boyfriend's hands on her tits. And pretty much everyone after 5 songs.

Still, we danced and that was good.

Hipsters are so tiring. It must be so hard for them to keep up appearances. And, can I say how much I HATE that fashions from the '80s are STILL in in hipster circles? Why are you wearing a Flashdance unitard and halter top IN PUBLIC?! Why can't the clothing die with the music? Didn't we go to '80s retro nights when I was in my undergrad 10 YEARS AGO? Frickin' frick....

OH! I also saw Jenny O and Andrea at the show last night, and they said that Danny might be moving back to town. This is pretty exciting news. Danny wears hats well.

Currently listening :
Writer's Block
By Peter Bjorn and John
Release date: 06 March, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

i heart pie

After class I met my friend for coffee (the usual Thursday ritual, it seems) and, since he hadn't had dinner, we went to a spot downtown where he could eat and I could watch. I conceded to share pie, so we had blueberry pie a la mode, which should have been yummier than it was, but it was still nice to eat pie for (or as a pre-cursor to) dinner.

Essentially I am feeling a little less overwhelmed today. Last evening I ran into my friend on the bus and had a nice little chat on the ride and a small walk around the 'hood, calming me to the point where my stomach wasn't turning and my head stopped pounding. I finished an assignment this morning, have to finish another that is partly done sometime this weekend, and should be able to start another that isn't due for a few weeks. As was (smartly) pointed out to me, I can only do what I can do and so should at least do that. School is the only thing I can control right now, so school will be the focus until all this school crap is finished. Then I can go back to worrying about everything else.

I mean, fine, March has been an especially shitty month. Shit happens.

This weekend I will FINALLY get to see The Shout Out Out Out Out. They're playing a wacked out show at the Columbia (where the HELL is the Columbia?) and tickets are stupidly cheap, even from Ticketmaster. I don't want to jinx it by talking much more about it. I wind up having terrible luck with this band; something always prevents me from seeing them. Not this time, though. This time it's going to happen.

Also got a ticket for Peter Bjorn & John in May. Should be a fab show with a minimal frat boy presence. I'm hoping for zero baseball caps, but perhaps that is too ambitious.

Off to buy groceries. One plus of a non-working house guest is she has time to cook.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

overwhelmed by it all

OK, I might be having a hard time coping.

My house guest has arrived and I've been avoiding the house as much as possible to see if the anxiety will lessen if I'm not constantly reminded of my new responsibilties. I'm sure it will be OK, but I came home today to hear a message asking for money and saw that my pile of loonies for laundry are gone. I can't eat anything in the fridge because it isn't enough for two people and I don't want her to do without until I can get time to buy groceries. I know this is part of the deal, but it still freaks me out, knowing I'm taking care of someone else. For those of you who claim I'll change my mind about wanting kids: no way in hell.

Last night I stayed at my friend's house because we were supposed to be up most of the night anyway watching movies. That ended earlier than anticipated, so I was a bit wound up when it was time to go to bed. At some point I starting having a minor panic attack and spent a good portion of this morning worrying about everything that is piling up that I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to deal with. Even hair-stroking didn't completely solve all my problems; still, it was nice to be cared for and it helped for a little while. Is there some sort of hair-stroking machine? I am in need.

I skipped class Monday and this morning. I just didn't think I could concentrate on listening to anything that requires note-taking. Really, I don't even want to do homework so how can I convince myself to go to classes only to be reminded of the homework I can't convince myself to do and the time that I'm wasting listening to someone talk instead of doing homework? Not sure how much information I should share with my profs about what's been going on with me because when I say it out loud it sounds like weak excuses for not keeping up.

If I thought I could get away with it, I would just curl up in my bed and not come out until May and hope everything works out on its own.

Hopefully the weather is just making me feel more melodramatic than usual and that sunnier skies will make everything seem a little less impossible. If only it would stop raining...

Currently listening :
Spring Collection
By True Love Always
Release date: 16 July, 2001

Sunday, March 18, 2007

the will to fight

Just home from the Billy Bishop. Gosh, I love that place. It's completely unpretentious and people don't give a shit what you think when they sing or dance or sing karaoke while dancing. It's good times.

The day started with me not doing anything. Quite literally, I sat around on my couch for hours while thinking about working on one of the assignments I have, but not actually doing any of them. After noon I got a call to go for Peanut Buster Parfaits with Jill at the DQ up the street. Seriously, eating ice cream on a cold rainy day is deck. It just so happened Terry was getting some stuff from the shop across the street and came over for poutine. PBPs are an excellent source of various food groups, including fudge, dairy, and protein or something. Jill had a 2-for-1 coupon, so it was the cheapest PBP ever. So good.

The plan for the evening was to meet up with my TO friend Carol, a longtime penpal who is still as rad as ever, and go for dinner. Sadly, the dismal weather in the east put her back a couple of hours, so we made plans to meet for drinks instead. I love going to the Legion for any fake or real holiday, and that was the plan for tonight. I went over with Jill and Mark and met up with Eileen at the BB. The karaoke when we arrived was kick-ass, with lots of Billy Joel and Kenny Rogers. When Carol met us there we were already a few pints into it. That has to explain why I ordered a Shamrock (a shot of Jamesons, some cream and some creme de menthe) and drank it. Carol mentioned green beer before she made it into town so, on seeing the bottle of green dye on the counter, I asked if the bartender could green up her beer. He put a couple drops in, which would have been the perfect amount, but then he squirted the bottle and unleashed an unnatural amount into her beer. Trouble.

After her teeth starting getting a greenish tinge despite our attempts to dilute her beer, Eileen and Jill decided Carol should pour her beer into the pitcher and we could all be a part of the green beer. Unfortunately, the colour wasn't so great (it looked a bit like swamp water, truth be told), but at least Carol doesn't have to worry about permanently green teeth for the wedding she has to go to tomorrow.

As things have a habit of doing, the night digressed slightly when a few things became sort of apparent:
1) The singing person was not our favourite 80-year-old piano player, Bea. Instead, some folk singer who actually included a U2 song as "Irish" played a few uninspired, boring sets.
2) Eileen wanted to fight an (admitedly) annoying blonde woman at a nearby table who was needlessly loud and, well, annoying. After throwing corn nuts at her, she settled down and I started hating her instead.
3) It's sad when you leave a bar before the ancient ladies who arrived in a cab at 9:30pm.

The Billy Bishop has all sorts of good stuff going on. Baron of beef on Fridays, Bea on piano on Friday nights, meat draw on Sundays... And it looks like a British pub with very little effort. I lurv it.

I am not Irish and I don't care.

The sleep... It's calling me.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

the good, the bad, and the fucked

This has been a really weird week. I'm not sure how to feel anymore because it just seems pointless to commit to feeling anything. It's been rather up and down, mostly down the last couple of days, and it's hard to keep up with the range of emotions.

Earlier this week I found out two people I know have cancer. This, on its own, sort of sucks and I'm not sure how to feel about it because I can't do a damn thing about it. One is my brother-in-law's brother, who is always very nice to me; he starts chemo next week. The other is my uncle, my dad's older brother, who is awaiting confirmation for leukemia. I hate that these have come up within days of each other, let alone at all.

Starting next week, I'm also going to have a house guest for an undetermined amount of time, until she gets herself straightened out and on her feet. This freaks me out a bit because I haven't had people around my living space for more than a couple days at a time, and haven't lived with anyone for 8 years. While I'm trying to be supportive and understanding, I can't help but worry about the financial implications of another person to support.

But I always worry about everything, so, really, what's new?

On the upside, because there has to be one, I went for a bike ride after work last night. It was so bright and sunny during the day when I made plans with my friend, but by 9pm it was pretty chilly. Once we got riding it was OK (except for me being completely bad at riding now. I haven't rode in years and I'm a lightweight on hills on my 3-gear Glider), but when we stopped for a drink after about an hour-and-fifteen I started shivering. Since we were on Main, we decided to go to my house for leftover wine and/or rum (4 fingers worth) to warm up. The wine was like vinegar (though I'm not sure if it was supposed to taste like that... maybe it was) and I didn't want to drink just two fingers of rum each, so we had beer. Today my bum is a little sore and I need to figure out how to secure my front light without it falling all over the place; my handlebars are too thin. It will be fun when the weather warms up, I get more muscles in my legs and lungs, and my bum gets calloused up from regular riding.

Tuesday night I went to the Canucks/Wild game with my sister, an unbirthday treat from Jason and Debbie, those sweeties. It was good for the first 15 minutes in the first period, but then became really boring and frustrating, only because the Canucks sometimes forget they're playing, but it got more exciting towards the middle of the third period. That they lost in overtime (with 35 seconds remaining! Guh!) is really incidental; it's the experience that I love. And Christina Aguillera was there, apparently. We just saw a blond person in the press box and assumed it was Pam Anderson.

Tonight while talking to my friend, he suggested I take up a new hobby to take my mind off all the bad news and regular stress stuff. I enquired what sort of hobby that should be. His suggestion: Warhammer. And, seriously, after looking at some of the armies, I kind of want to get an army going. It's the painting that is intriguing me. I haven't even played, but the miniatures have a lot of stuff going on. If I can get my friend to bankroll it (how do I pay tuition *and* buy an entire army?), I could easily become obsessed with it. This frightens me. Just a little.

I'm thinking Vampire Counts.

Currently listening :
Whatever and Ever Amen
By Ben Folds Five
Release date: 22 March, 2005

Saturday, March 10, 2007

spring ahead

Yesterday after work I took my bike down to the gas station near my house to pump up my bike tires. I didn't have a guage, so I just pressed my tiny fingers into the rubber to test the give. I had to sit on the bike a couple times to make sure air actually went into the tires because I couldn't press that hard. Darn hands...

The ride back to my house was quick, though I will need to do a lot more biking to not embarrass myself when I ride for real. The slight hill just before my house made me huff and puff a bit, and riding up the sidewalk to my door was laughable. I tried to fling my leg over the back, behind the seat, but I must have caught my foot because the next thing I knew I was slow-falling into the sopping wet grass beside the sidewalk. I laughed out loud as I landed, digging my knee into the muddy grass. Of course, at that exact time a random guy would have to go by and he asked if I was OK, though he didn't really sound like he cared and didn't stop to hear my answer.

Despite my poor showing, the plan was to go for a bike ride last night. Sadly, the only bike riding I did was back from the gas station. The rain kept me from the plan.

When I lived in Japan I would ride my friend's bike from her house to drinking parties with my offices. It was never more than 8 or 9 blocks because she lived right in the middle of the izekaya area of the city and most of the people in my offices lived in the city. Rather than not drink (never an option for the token white girl), I would park my car and stay at my friend's house and take her bike to the parties. I didn't like walking around the city alone at night anyway, so I would ride her bike drunk around the neighbourhood, from the first party to the second party to the third party. Sometimes I would get lost (all the streets looked the same, especially in the dark and while drunk) and would ride around in circles until I found the right street, but I always got there eventually.

This is the sort of thing I wanted to do last night. Another time, another time...

I'm desperate to test out my new helmet. Not by intentionally crashing or anything, but just wearing it while on my bike. (It might be lame to go outside now with my helmet on and just sit on my bike. That's not what I meant.) I also want to ride to and park under cherry blossom trees and have a beer; it's o-hanami (flower viewing) season and I want to represent.

Cherry blossom season always makes me happy because I know that fine weather is on its way, bringing tea parties and skirts with sneakers and dandelion fluff to blow. I love to sit under the trees and look up, the soft pink-white canopy of blossoms obscuring the sky and releasing token petals that flutter down into my hair and onto the tip of my nose. There is nothing like being caught in a shower of blossoms, like a blizzard of fat warm snowflakes. It is one of my most favourite things.

Most of my tripping for the year comes at this time as I walk with my head up, taking in every bit of the colour as I can to store away until the next year.

Don't forget to adjust your clocks tonight, friends that acknowledge DST. Unless you decide to give the "fuck you" to The Man and either only recognise the previous DST schedule or not bother with the change at all. Take back the day/night.

Currently listening :
Yours, Mine & Ours
By The Pernice Brothers
Release date: 20 May, 2003

Thursday, March 8, 2007

my heart bleeds...

Just home from Teen Angst Poetry Night at the Annex. I'd been meaning to go for ages but hadn't gotten around to it and then stopped hearing about it. Today Rachel invited me out to it and it seemed like the best thing to do. Plus, it's always fun to hang out with Rachel.

Admitedly, I have never been an especially good writer of poetry. It was always my weakest writing in school and I couldn't interpret a poem to save my life. Even in university I sucked royally at writing/interpreting poetry. Yet I can safely say that the poetry we heard tonight was worse than anything I've ever written, though I don't have any proof of that because I burned everything after I finished high school.

Actually, I burned a lot of stuff after a certain point in my life. Didn't want evidence. Now I kind of wish I'd kept some of the smutty letters from boyfriends and the song written by the asshole I wish were dead. Memories... like the corners of my mind.

At the reading, we sat at a table with a couple other people because the place was close to being full. During a break, I started talking to the couple and discovered that the one has been living in Vancouver for one week. She's from Edmonton and we discovered that we know common people and had all volunteered at CJSR. It's just so strange how many people from Alberta I meet/know. They're everywhere.

Additional, unrelated info:
One of my classmates/friends was meant to come to my party but got a cold. He informed me that he had intended to bring me some Belgian beer because it comes in 33cc bottles, so he was going to give me one and then drink a third of another and give me 33 1/3cc of the beer. I thought it was especially rad of him to tell me after not coming to the party.

During a recent lunch date with my friend, we were talking about how I am very often mean and I said something about being full of vitriol. And then it turned into my new personal slogan: "I'm keepin' it vitriol."

There is another sale on at Threadless and I think, after my liquid lunch yesterday after class (we started drinking at 11:30am and I'm not sure I should admit that because it might not be legal to start serving pre-noon, so... shhhhhhh), I might have bought a bunch of $10 t-shirts. I know I didn't order the one I really wanted because it sold out. Sigh. I also think I've seen pictures of my dream boyfriend, who has 65 Threadless t-shirts and likes talking about buildings.

Tomorrow I'm meant to go on a drunken bike ride at night, so I'm hoping the weather is fine, or at least not rainy. Regardless, beer is going in my bloodstream tomorrow. And I have to fill my tires with air because they're a little soft with this cold weather.

Off to bed.

Currently listening :
Last Secrets
By The Like Young
Release date: 09 May, 2006

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

33 1/3 RPMs of fun

OK, so the 33 1/3 party went surprisingly well, all things considered. It's a good thing I overplan because nothing ever works out completely, which means the plans reach a rational, tolerable level despite not meeting my goals. It probably makes sense to just plan a manageable amount from the start, but that's too easy and my love of complaining wouldn't be met.

I have been high-strung and anxious for the last couple of weeks and, considering my state yesterday morning, it looks like the party was causing a lot of the issues. Now I can focus on other exciting things, like the assignments I didn't want to do before and more shifts at work because I'm retarded.

The house was tidy and previous empties were returned ($13.50 worth!) before I set to work on the menu. Through the course of the day I eliminated things to make because I was running out of time and, quite frankly, could be arsed to bake for 6 hours. I wound up making a variety of dips and birthday cupcakes. The only thing to write home about (or, in this case, blog about) is the cupcakes.

Holy cow, do I love black & tan cupcakes. I saw the recipe on Chockylit in the cupcake roundup and b&t cupcakes are easily one of the oddest things I've made, but so worth it. I used Longboat Double Chocolate Porter for the cupcake and Harp's for the icing. I had some disturbing, distracting personal things on my mind in the midst of making them and wound up forgetting to put in sugar (sugar!!!) in the base for the first batch. I realised while filling up the papers for the second round, so emptied the batter back in the bowl, added an estimate of sugar, and repoured. To counter, I put a little extra Harp's into the icing since it was almost entirely sugar and butter. Then I realised that I put in twice the required eggs after everything had been baked! Rather than throw it all away (they did look OK) I put a little warning note on the cupcakes explaining the issues and left it up to the guest to decide what to do. I tried one of the sugar ones and it was pretty good, though really sweet. Eventually I tried one of the non-sugar ones on a dare with another friend and those ones were FANTASTIC. Like, they kicked the sugar ones' asses (if cupcakes... um.. had asses...). I referred to the original recipe listed on the cupcake recipe because the guy forgot to mention adding eggs to the cupcakes. I will make these again. Oh, yes, and it will be a double or triple batch.

Over the course of the evening, the house got pretty full and it was so lovely to see friends I haven't seen for a while. (H&B, so very sorry I didn't get to unpack you on Friday! My brain... it sucks.) I made everyone wear nametags and fill out ballots for the door prizes (seriously, they looked at me like I was insane, but at least I got to talk to everyone at least once). I don't think anyone really believed me when I said I had door prizes.

I used a toy mic/amp I picked up at the Toys'R'Us (it's my new favourite toy) to make the announcements and set the first round of winners on the basket of stuff I made/collected. They were freaking out! Like, it reminded me of how excited grade 3s and 4s got in Japan when I did really fun games, where they grab handfuls of hair and scream and jump around like crazy with flailing arms. So then everyone was all into the draws and it kept them from leaving, which in retrospect was a good plan.

It was pretty fun. I don't really know if everyone had fun, but I did everything I could to make it happen for them, so if they didn't it's their own faults. (Such a gracious hostess, aren't I?) I would be inclined to have another party when I get speakers for my computer.

Having an unbirthday party is a really great idea because people still bring you presents. Some of the highlights:
- "Polka Time" record
- ABBA's singles double album
- sweet-smelling spring flowers
- hockey tickets!!!
- alpha female stickers
- an assortment of beer!!!
- a sweet picture of a wrestler
- a cookbook and fake fur
- a helmet, lock and lights

I am lucky to have such excellent friends, including friends who leave an assortment of booze behind. Yea, booze!

Now I am not as stressed out and am hoping to respond to a couple of requests for attention from friends. There are also visitors coming to town shortly and that will be a whole new level of good times. And, you know, 33 1/3 doesn't seem so bad.

Currently listening :
Terrible Things Happen
By The Aislers Set
Release date: 31 July, 1998

Friday, March 2, 2007

33.33 % evil

When I logged in just now the number of views my profile has gotten was at 3333. How fitting.

I explained the 33 1/3 birthday party to one of my co-workers today and I'm not sure she totally got it. But someone eavesdropping chimed in that it's creepy that it's happening on 03/03. That's good planning by my parents. I ain't no fool; I know about picking numbers.

Tomorrow is also the Boy's Festival in Japan, so get your fish flags flying.

This co-worker had also never heard of an unbirthday, so I immediately pulled up the unbirthday song by the Mad Hatter in both English and Hungarian (the Hungarian version has been pulled by WD already, those fuckers). The Brazillian/Portuguese version is, apparently, still available, though. Unbirthday parties are really the way to go, especially if you're feeling kind of crap on any given day. I would prefer it to be right now, except for the required cleaning the house part and the baking cupcakes part.

Today was an especially ridiculous day at work. Tomorrow is the lunar eclipse and I'm pretty sure it was making people squirrely. My co-worker and I made captioned photos for another co-worker who was mistakenly mentioned in her community paper as being in charge of something that is actually done by a committee; she was worried people would think she was being arrogant or trying to take all the credit, but the writer just neglected to report a few important facts. The first photo was of the writer with a caption like, "I am watching you..." and the other was of Glen Campbell with the caption, "I was on the committee, too, and I didn't get mentioned..." She keeled over and we all had a bit of a problem breathing with that last one. I think I chose Glen Campbell because a) it's a terrible picture, likely from when he got arrested for drunk driving and b) we talked about him earlier because we think his nose has had some... ahem... work done.

I'm starting to feel like I'm not doing any work at work at all. But it's probably because I've been working on the same fricking database crap I've been working on the last year. It's neverending. Even when I'm at work doing homework I'm not doing anything; I haven't been able to finish an assignment I've been working on all week, and it isn't even that hard. And it's really boring to talk about.

When I said I was trying to be an adult this week, it had more with trying to be nicer to certain people and less with the fact that I'm fucking my life up with my inability to motivate myself to care about anything.

The plan tonight was to get supplies for tomorrow and prep whatever I could, finish a few projects, and clean the house completely. Now I just want to curl up into a tiny little ball in the dark and listen to Dashboard Confessional. (Have you see the video on emo kids?) What I need is a personal assistant who will do everything and let me take the credit for it. And I need said assistant in the next 10 minutes or else I'm going to take a nap.

On the upside, I've got some new technology from the toy store for tomorrow that is pretty exciting.

Currently listening :
Smart Bomb
By Thrush Hermit

Thursday, March 1, 2007

and grows up and grows up

This week I am trying to be an adult, but it isn't working so well.

I was meant to clean the house and start preparations for my party this weekend. The house is still fairly chaotic, though the hand towels will be clean, and a few things are really preventing me from getting down to it:

1) I have to go through my piles of papers to collect all my tax info so I can send it off to my accountant in a timely manner. This has to be done before I clean because cleaning means moving piles and moving piles means my system's integrity is destroyed. No piles, no tax return. No tax return, no tuition.

2) The door prizes are taking a lot longer than I would like. I feel a certain level of guilt that not everyone will be going home with something, but it's hard to make that many individual things. And a few things might not get done at all, which is even more frustrating because they could be fun prizes. Guh.

3) Assignments at school aren't going very well. Motivation, as usual, is an issue. Like, really, how can I concentrate on school when there are things to sew and spray and tape?

Are there pills that help you concentrate better? That aren't prescription or require a doctor's stationery?

Also, is there a way to get WhiteOut out without scratching the surface all to hell if it's smeared on a textured surface? Just asking...

Currently listening :
Make Love to You
By The Castaway Stones