Saturday, August 27, 2005

wedded bliss?

Current mood: terrified

Today I'm going to a wedding with my friend. His friend from college is getting married and my friend's girlfriend is busy with work, so I'm the surrogate girlfriend for the day. I'm a little terrified about it because weddings freak me out. That level of committment is something I don't quite understand, and I resent having to wear a dress and do my hair and wear contacts.

The dress I was going to wear would have been nice. I feel pretty good in it and it's easy to wear. The problem is that the zipper totally broke a couple days ago (it had been causing me problems for a while anyway) and I don't have enough time to get another zipper, rip this one out, and sew the new one back in. So... yesterday I had to get a dress. I hate, hate, hate dress shopping. (Actually, shopping in general is horrifying because I don't like spending money.) The one I got was on sale, but required new shoes as well and now I think that, to give a nice *ahem* neckline, I'll need to pick up a new *ahem* foundation garment. I mean, if I'm going to wear a dress, I might as well have perky boobs. It is a gamer wedding; there must be a massive number of guys who are socially retarded and haven't seen boobs in person... ever.

This week I also found out my oldest friend (I've known her since we were 4) is getting married next year. I'm really excited for her, but the wedding...

Currently listening:
Vauxhall and I
By Morrissey
Release date: 22 March, 1994

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