Friday, August 12, 2005

on the decline

Current mood: sad

Last night I found out the guy I've been seeing so much of has absolutely no interest in me whatsoever. Apparently I'm around simply because I'm interesting and plan a lot of social engagements and I'm good to talk to. Otherwise I'm a eunuch.

Which got me wondering... How do I get shoved into the friend category against my will? What is it about me, specifically, that makes boys want to date my friends?

Admittedly, it does sorta play into all my romantic notions, that I will forever be thwarted by love and such. People often think romance is supposed to be all puppy dogs and fairy tales... Not me. Romance is supposed to rip your heart out and stomp all over it. And it does a fairly good job of mine on a somewhat regular basis. I'm starting to think I should go back to having no heart at all because it was slightly less painful than now.

I'm waiting for a sign to enter the nunnery. Like a flyer that says, "Join the nunnery."

Currently listening:
The Only Reason I Feel Secure
By Pedro the Lion
Release date: 16 October, 2001

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