Friday, October 21, 2005

fear of babies

Current mood: unmotivated

Holy crap! My friend, the one in Japan that took over my job there, sent an email chronicling the surprising new developments in her life since I last saw her in August. Suffice it to say I was completely, hand-over-mouth shocked.

She's been dating one of my J-friends for three years. They were maybe going to get married eventually. No rush. No immediate plans. In the hours after I sent her off drunk on Canadian beer things changed rapidly...

Starting with pregnancy tests and ending in marriage, she had a few things to tell me. And it's pretty freaking exciting to know that, in less than a year, I'll be able to see her, her husband, and her new baby when they come for a visit/reception.

But it also made me realise how terrified I am of being pregnant, in the same way I'm terrified of being buried alive and being stuck in a sinking car. I have zero interest in having children. None. And I'm not even close to ever wanting to be pregnant. Which makes me wonder if there's a gene that makes people want to be pregnant and have kids, because I lack it. And that's OK with me. Babies scare me. They're, like, a longterm committment. I get bored easily. My attention span is short. I like to be alone sometimes.

Also, watching hockey games with a Frenchman is amusing. Tonight we're going to see the Giants vs. the Rockets. Rad.

Currently reading:
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (Vintage)
By Dave Eggers
Release date: 13 February, 2001

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