Thursday, November 30, 2006

snow flurries expected this weekend in new orleans

I'm skipping school today so I can instead spend the entire day working on homework. I think this is OK with the prof as well; she sent an email saying she would be taking the bus to campus, but if others felt it put them in harm's way then we should not go to class. I think, in my case, harm's way is wasting 6 hours of class and travel time for something that isn't going to help me get my homework done. So I'm not going to. Plus three degrees or not, it's going to be ugly out there.

Yesterday I was in a miserable mood. I went into work early to try to get my laptop all set up, finally, with Office Pro so I can work on Access at home or work instead of treking to school to do it. This, at some point, required registering online, which I haven't been able to work out at home. So I got into work at 7:10am and, once setting up, realised that the library's wifi doesn't run while the library is closed. Groan. This agitated me as I tried to figure out if it was my computer or the library. After a consultation with one of my library comrades, I decided to try it later in the day.

Worked for 4 hours, but can't complain about that. I like working in Acquisitions.

Then the trip to UBC, which was pretty helacious. I waited for 30 minutes for the bus, endured the ridiculous 45 minute bus ride to campus (seriously, from downtown? Do you really NEED to drive 30km/h?), and was a couple minutes late for my class that wound up being about 35 minutes long. I left immediately after and waited in the 99 B-line lineup with 400 other people. The bus never came and I started making phone calls to figure out what was going on. Finally after 30 minutes of waiting I took a different bus that was well away from downtown. As we pulled away from the loop 4 B-lines came down the street. Grrr. Eventually I transferred to a bus that took me downtown. Total wait/travel time: 1 hour, 45 minutes in one direction. My feet were near-frozen by the time I got to work.

Decided to work on the computer stuff. I think it's all working now. It will remain at work a few extra days, just in case. At least there I can get some of my computer-savvy friends to work on it to prevent me from throwing it over the balcony.

I had plans to see "Stranger Than Fiction" with one of my newer work friends so tried to be less abrasive for the duration of that. I really liked that movie, though I'm not sure it changed my life the way others have said it would. It did make me wonder what I would change about my life if I knew I was going to die. Though I suppose we all know we're going to die; just don't know when. I do know I'm sometimes terrified to live a more interesting life, to take chances on stuff, because I don't want to deal with the rejection or failure. Were I not so sensitive to pain I suppose my life could be different.

Post-movie I went back to work to try to get a start on one of the essays. I managed to get most of a page done, so just have two more pages to write and to ensure my resource binder is organised in an appropriate way and readjust my table of contents and buy some tab pages to divide the whole thing up for future reference. I am hopeful that this will be done today. I am also hopeful that I can get one, probably two, unlikely but possibly the three essays done for my take-home exam.

I'll go into work once I finish making beans and rice and once "Breakfast at Tiffany's" is done. It's at my favourite time, when Mag Wildwood comes into the party. "A thumping bore." It always makes me feel better, hopeful, no matter what is happening in my ridiculous life. Well, unless I'm horrifyingly depressed; then it just makes me cry. But that isn't how it's going down now, so it's making me feel better.

Fingers crossed.

Currently watching :
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Release date: 10 April, 2001

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