Wednesday, November 22, 2006

on target

Just home from a marathon day.

Woke up around 5:30, which was OK since I went to bed at 10pm last night. Left for work around 7:30 so I could get some money and buy some water (since we still can't drink from the tap). Worked a four-hour shift in Acquisitions and learned a couple of new things. Went to my regular floor to try to start on homework, but was distracted and wound up MSNing with my friend for, like, an hour or more. Guh. By the time I finally started on my homework I was desperate to get something done.

Wound up getting inspired and wrote an entire paper all at once (it was only 1400 words plus references, but still) and got through most of the second assignment that I've been unwilling to complete. I suspect it will be done tomorrow, which is nice because I hate it and think it's sort of pointless. I also loaded part of that assignment on my group's wiki with full annotations of references, so that's another part that is mostly done; just have a couple other things to add to my part and submit a couple of sentences for the group part, and that is another thing done.

Tomorrow I will also start on the last of the essay assignments, with any luck. I suspect I will also hate that particular assignment, but that is of little consequence right now. I've got my eye on the prize. I enquired today how long it would take to design a database and my friend said it took her about 30 hours. Um.... OK. That is longer than I want it to take. I like things that can be completed in one day. Databases... not so much. So I really have to get these other assignments out of the way so I can start on the database and get my exam done well before they're both due. I wanted to be done by the 1st; that's a week ahead of the last due date.

You see how exciting I am with this school stuff? Totally fun, I am.

Actually, on the bus ride home, I happened to see my French friend Fabrice, whom I haven't seen and barely talked to in months. It was nice to catch up a little, and we wound up heading to the Foundation for a bite and a beer (Quebec big bottle, something that started with a M). I decided to head home as soon as he tried to convince me to introduce him to my single girlfriends because he wants a girlfriend still. Explaining that I hate it when my friends date did not dissuade him, unfortunately.

I am beat. Off to slumber.

Currently listening :
Out of the Loop
By I Am the World Trade Center
Release date: 17 July, 2001

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