Wednesday, August 15, 2007

where the chips fall

I'm beat this morning.

Last night was poker night at mine and I was up until a few minutes before we stopped. I got fucked on KK; my coach had pocket 6s and flopped a set. Bigger pre-flop re-raise, bigger pre-flop re-raise; must stop min raising. Still, I was only down $1 by the end of the night; my coach, on the other hand, despite that fucking set, wound up $9 down. But it still pisses me off that I would have won that hand if I hadn't been freaked out to push harder pre-flop. I also folded a draw when I had a big stack that would have hit had I called the piddly raise, but it was the correct fold. Guh.

On Monday night I went to the Canadians' game at Nat Bailey with Julia and Chris. Vancouver isn't doing so well this season (they're last in their division), so wasn't sure what to expect. The Eugene Emeralds were the worst team that night, dropping balls and striking out like crazy. One guy got all the runs, hitting two homeruns (the second with a walker on base). Still, it was an exciting game, with lots of hits and some sliding action. The 5th inning was pretty eventful, with the Canadians hitting in 4 runs. I love watching baseball games on a sunny summer's night: just sitting back and taking it all in, and yelling a little if you feel like it because the ump is expecting it. And it's always a special treat to see Julia because she's so rad. (Have a good trip back!)

Monday afternoon I hung out with Rachel and Augusten, and that was fantastically fun. Gusto is much more interesting now that he can communicate and does not lie around like a little lump of poo (as most infants tend to do naturally... probably the lack of muscle tone). After a buffet of fruit, we went to the park and had some good times on the swings and the slides. Rachel is full-up of baby and I can't believe it's just 3 weeks (give or take) until she's due with Baby 2! I'm excited to see them again soon; every minute pre-"Baby Girl" is precious since they'll be engaged in much more important matters than listening to my boy problems.

This is the last week of my class, so I'm scrambling to get stuff done a couple days early so I can have a few days off. I also realised I'm supposed to have a progress report written for tomorrow for the CBC thing. And I'm thinking about applying for a job at the university (for the school year) that may or may not be relevant to anything I might be employable for post-grad school, but that sounds interesting. It feels like the summer is slipping away and I haven't been able to take full advantage of it yet. Must cram all good times into these next couple of weeks before the madness starts again.

Currently listening :
Want One
By Rufus Wainwright
Release date: 23 September, 2003

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