Sunday, August 12, 2007

unseasonally dull

I've been finding it hard to write lately. Stuff is going on; I've got plenty I could tell you. I just don't feel like it. This is an unfortunate development in blogdom. But I will try to amuse you. Dance, monkey!

A summary:

- Friday: went to Glinn's to watch movies and drink all his booze, which was too much for my pathetic liver to break down, leaving me a sickened mess in the morning. I drank water! I took a pain killer! After my barfing episode (just to feel better...), I ate a fatty breakfast! Hangovers are unfair to everyone, but especially me.

- Saturday: was my only day off last week. I nursed the hangover, slept for half the day (shocking, I realise), then went out to UBC (crappin' hell, why the frick am I going to that school? It's so far away) to drop off some books, and to the grocery store for supplies. I decided that I wanted to bake, so baked like a mofo: cornbread muffins, chocolate chip & walnut cookies, and lemon cupcakes with lemon cream cheese icing. Jill came over for decaf tea and we tried everything. It was all good, but I was pleased with the lemon icing. I cut back on the sugar and added more lemon juice, and it was the perfect amount of tartness. The cupcakes themselves, while extremely lemony, were a little drier than I would like, and a little heavy, but it could be because I refrigerated them (because of the icing).

(As an aside, I saw a recipe for marmalade and, I have to say, I'm pretty tempted to make some. Did you know the seeds have pectin?! I can make marmalade without buying that creepy stuff that regular jams need; it's all in the oranges! Well, except for the water and the sugar that is also required. Now I just have to figure out which blog had it...)

- Sunday (today): went to Floata with my sister for dim sum. It wound up being so ridiculously cheap (less than $14 between the two of us) and I was full though not uncomfortably so (thank goodness the trolley pushers ignored us, resulting in less food going into our bellies). We walked to the library so I could picket for the afternoon, which was, let's face it, a joy. I met Glinn for Japa-dogs, and we sat on the wall at the theatre across the street, me enjoying the Teri-Mayo without nori and Glinn trying the Miso-Mayo, though I just realised I forgot to ask him if it was good. On my way to the bus, a woman came out of the alley with her pants falling down, yelling her head off at a clean-cut guy who was following her, him saying she should just put the money down. She stole $250 from his restaurant and was tripping out on something. I thought that it was a trick gone bad, but realised while walking behind them (I can't help it that they were walking in my direction) that she had stolen money. She tried to get on my bus, but the bus driver had had altercations with her before and said he would call the police to deal with this, which made her run off the bus screaming. It was bizarre and terribly sad. No one wins in that sort of situation.

Tomorrow I'm excited to see some of my favourite people. Hopefully the weather is fine so I can go to the park with Rachel and Gussy in the afternoon (after another day on the line... woohoo [*I hate the city]), and I have plans to go to the Canadians game in the evening, which will include fireworks at the commencement of the baseball game. Should be fun.

*You want to know why? Because they wasted tax-payers' money for 6 (six) days by at least 25 of them eating out at restaurants three times a day and renting hotel rooms that they never bothered going to (the unions were at the negotiating table the whole time), taking at least time-and-a-half for the time (up to 16 hours a day, even though they didn't talk to any of the unions for more than 5 hours total), despite having NO intention of negotiating. Tax-payers should be outraged. It has been leaked out that, as decided at council meetings, the NPA and Sullivan have no plans to even begin to negotiate until sometime in September because they want time to poach employees from the unions in the suburbs and want to make the civic workers in Vancouver suffer as much as possible on strike pay, while all of them make huge amounts of money by working overtime. But, of course, it's the unions' fault... How can less than 10% of the people employed by the city make more than 30% of the wages?

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