Saturday, August 4, 2007

the calm before or during, which would make it the eye, i guess

I can do this. I can.

Yesterday I finally finished my assignment around 8pm, after working on it all morning, afternoon and evening. It was the reading that killed me; waiting until the last minute to read books isn't a good idea. And my little emotional breakdown about a/v materials was just a blip on the screen of having it together/not losing it. It's my own fault that it wasn't a very good finished product. But I'm finding it hard to care about stuff (school-related especially) that isn't really of interest; I hate jumping through hoops for the sake of jumping (welcome to grad school). And I just like to complain.

To reward myself for finishing, I wandered over to Jill & Mark's place to hang out on their deck, drinking ginger ale and lemonade to their red wine. They have a box of wine (!!!) leftover from their bookclub and now try to push it on anyone who comes through their door, which seems to mostly be me. How can literary discussers NOT drink heavily? Isn't that a requirement among the literary, being a raging alcoholic?

Boxed wine reminds me of my youth, when Mom would buy a big box of white wine over the Christmas holidays, kept in the cold room downstairs, to liquor up visitors at the drop of a hat. My sister (a certified wino) and I (still don't drink wine at dinner when I visit my parents) would position our heads under the nozzle and get a couple of gulps in when annoying people who squeezed our cheeks would visit. We never got drunk or tipsy. Mom didn't really care if we drank it, as long as there was still wine left for the visitors. She's European, so drinking was never a big deal.

We spoke about a local drug dealer who has a dog named Vegas. It was agreed that the refusal to talk to someone who deals drugs and has a dog named Vegas is a good decision. I envision said dealer also wears black button-up shirts with orange flames on the bottom hem, the shirt unbuttoned, with dirty cut-off jeans and high tops without laces nor socks.

I always have a lovely time with them. Jill rubbed my brain while Mark told me about his newfound interest in tax-related calculations and the impending coursework related to it. I'm excited for him; he said he just can't seem to stay out of school. It looks like there's a distinct likelihood we may bump into each other on campus starting in September. Fresh blood to the campus. They sent me home with a brick of vanilla ice cream and a CD of music.

Today I have to write about 600 words related to GLBTQ issues in a library setting, but have yet to get into it. It's not due until midnight tomorrow, but I'm hoping to be done before I go to Tangiene's birthday party. Since I'm in writing mode anyway, it's just a bit of time searching for "facts" and forming a coherent combination of words that will just get me through this class. I'm more afraid of my groupmates than the prof; I already know the prof isn't fond of me. This is the last class for one of my groupmates, so I think she's operating at a higher level than the rest of us. Or just me. Which is fine. (She's the reason I have to be done this a week ahead of time. It isn't due until Friday.)

Yesterday I got an email from a guy who has the same mentor from university as I, though I've never met nor seen him. While I was in Japan we emailed regularly, as he and his wife were planning to start JET and wanted some info. I haven't heard from him in about 7 years, so it was surprising to get the email, especially since the email address used is relatively new. I used to tell him weird, often funny stories and after one particularly questionable one (related to squatty potties) I never heard from him again. But that's the story he wants me to relay again because it was so funny. I just wish I could remember what I said.

Still considering going to the Odd Ball at WISE Hall tomorrow night. Guess it will depend on my abilities to slack off. Anyone interested in coming with?

Currently listening :
By Gus Gus
Release date: 05 March, 2007

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