Sunday, August 26, 2007

segoku natsukashii

I shouldn't watch "Lost in Translation" anymore because it always makes me wistful and sad. I miss Japan in a lot of ways and usually it's fine and I can talk myself out of feeling natsukashi about it because I was miserable for a lot of the time I was there. But lately...

It might be because I remember how I felt when I was there, and I always blamed those feelings on being so isolated for so long. But lately I've realised that those feelings weren't just because I was in Japan; I can feel miserable anywhere.

I'm really thinking about leaving town. For good. Vancouver has been unkind in a lot of ways, and if I don't want to be the spinster friend that everyone invites over to balance out the dinner table, I have to get the hell away from here. But I'm such a chickenshit. I'm hoping I'm due for something to work out the way I want it to.

Maybe the weather is getting me down. How quickly I forget how much better I feel when the sun is out. It's probably my brain turning to mush on the line while the City tries to fuck women over in a new way.

Last evening I watched "Pan's Labyrinth" with my sister and Glenn. It has left me a bit out of sorts. Or maybe it's because Glenn encountered a skunk outside my door and I'm worried about being driven out by Pepe Le Puu.

Next weekend I'm heading out of town for a couple of days, so I'm hoping it makes me feel a bit more normal. How great would it be if two days away can fix everything? If not, I get a solid visit from Darcy to amuse me the first week of September. It's nice to have visitors to break up the monotony of the everyday.

Soon, soon I hope to feel like me. Wait for it.

Currently watching :
Lost in Translation
Release date: 03 February, 2004

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