Thursday, August 2, 2007

last minute worries

At the start of this degree, I did a really good job of not procrastinating nor leaving things until the last minute. It just meant organising my time a little bit, working 12-14 hour days (between work work and school work) though no later than 9pm, and regularly drinking moderately heavy with a boy who distracted me for most of the semester. All assignments were handed in or completed no later than a day ahead of their due dates.

How did I get to this point, then?

Tomorrow I have an assignment due that is worth 35% of my mark and I haven't really even started writing it. It's pretty dull: I have to read books and explain why they should be added to a library's collection, find some websites and review them for content with a pro/con listing, and somehow find A/V materials to review and recommend. I can blame this on the strike, since I had to hunt down materials outside of Vancouver or at UBC (which feels like outside of Vancouver) instead of picking stuff out on a break or after work. Really, the assignment is pretty vague and leaves a lot of room to really fuck up. And I'm just not as keen or excited about homework as those studying to be children's librarians.

So I'm pulling an all-nighter for the first time in.... a long time. I will get this done, because I have to and because the hardest part is reading entire books in a few hours, but with enough time to go out for drinks with Jill and Mark tomorrow night. I will. I will. I will.

My group project is also due this weekend, but only because one of the people is super A type and decided she wants to make a website, so we have to have our content in 5 days before the thing is due. Yea. But it's only a little bit of research and two 250-word submissions, plus a couple of annotations for non-fiction materials (which I have and should be pretty easy). I should be able to get it done in a couple of hours, once I finish this one due tomorrow.

What frustrates me about this whole thing is this class isn't even hard. It's just time consuming. And apparently I've forgotten how to motivate myself to get stuff done.

But I'm still going to do stuff this weekend. Powell Street Festival is on and I'm hoping to meet up with someone awesome for that. And Tangiene's birthday picnic on the beach is on for Sunday afternoon, so that should be a blast. And then I think I should probably picket for a few hours on Monday, even though it's a holiday. Need to show my support.

(Uh oh, here comes the soapbox.)

Seriously, if you live in Vancouver, you should be calling the Mayor's office to tell him what a fucking prat he is. His negotiators have stalled negotiations AGAIN for more than a week (apparently unhappy citizens of this city aren't much of an incentive to settle civic worker unrest) after my union gave them a revised proposal, mainly (I suspect) to try to break the spirits and bank accounts of the workers for as long as he can and to try to make the media forget that there are no city services (there's a media blackout in effect as long as there are negotiations planned). This jackass should never work in this city again.

It shouldn't take a week to make a counter-offer; they've had at least two solid weeks to come up with ANYTHING to start negotiating from, but have been too busy trying to meddle in other cities' negotiations (have you heard one of the Vancouver negotiators called up and asked Richmond to slow down so they wouldn't make Vancouver look bad? Nice) and to spin the media. You know why almost all other municipalities have tentative agreements? Because they actually negotiated. On consecutive days. Until an agreement was met. But not in Vancouver. No, they've got other things to do. Like... stuff.

I'm off to read books about amputations and car accidents. Fitting, n'est pas?

Currently reading :
Peeling the Onion
By Wendy Orr
Release date: 09 February, 1999

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