Thursday, March 1, 2007

and grows up and grows up

This week I am trying to be an adult, but it isn't working so well.

I was meant to clean the house and start preparations for my party this weekend. The house is still fairly chaotic, though the hand towels will be clean, and a few things are really preventing me from getting down to it:

1) I have to go through my piles of papers to collect all my tax info so I can send it off to my accountant in a timely manner. This has to be done before I clean because cleaning means moving piles and moving piles means my system's integrity is destroyed. No piles, no tax return. No tax return, no tuition.

2) The door prizes are taking a lot longer than I would like. I feel a certain level of guilt that not everyone will be going home with something, but it's hard to make that many individual things. And a few things might not get done at all, which is even more frustrating because they could be fun prizes. Guh.

3) Assignments at school aren't going very well. Motivation, as usual, is an issue. Like, really, how can I concentrate on school when there are things to sew and spray and tape?

Are there pills that help you concentrate better? That aren't prescription or require a doctor's stationery?

Also, is there a way to get WhiteOut out without scratching the surface all to hell if it's smeared on a textured surface? Just asking...

Currently listening :
Make Love to You
By The Castaway Stones

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