Saturday, March 31, 2007


I have seen movies this week, more than I have all year. Which really isn't saying much since I only ever go when they are free.

Thursday was "300" and that was kinda neat. I like graphic novels recreated as movies, especially when they make realtime filming look exaggerated and cartoonish. The splattering blood, the insane fight sequences, the odd colour tones and creepy darkness except for the Spartans' red cloaks... I had heard that it had a lot of gay overtones, which I always like in movies, and, at one point when the creepy gay-ish king of Persia said something reeking of sexual innuendo with a long pause after it, I and many around me snickered at what wasn't being said. Gay gay. After a while I was enthralled by the airbrushed abs and tiny leather panties the Spartans wore and wished someone would get it on. But they didn't. The women had perkier nipples than is human, so we wondered if there were nipple enhancements or the like.

Last night I went to "Blades of Glory," mainly because I like Will Ferrell, but also because I used to be obsessed with figure skating and wanted to see what they did with it. So many figure skater cameos, including the skater I hate most (I like to refer to her as "Horseface"). Amy Poehler and Will Arnett were hilarious and I always love a movie that has mascots being injured. For a few minutes Jon Heder was hot. Scott Hamilton looked well. Mike, I expect after your conference you'll go to see this about 30 times in the next week or so.

Oh, my co-worker went to a party last week and Alan Cumming was there. I wish I went to parties that Alan Cumming would go to.

Yesterday at work my friend came back to work after being run down by a driver who was talking on his cellphone while making a turn on her walking light. She still has broken bones and an enormous bump on her head, but thank goodness she's alive and worse didn't happen. We ate a lot of chocolate brownie cake to celebrate this fact. It is also one of the librarian's birthdays on Sunday, so we got him a caramel apple pie. I think I'm still experiencing sugar overdose symptoms.

Am going to try the black & tan cupcakes again this weekend, or so the plan goes. Trying to decide if it's worth it to make the recipe the way it's supposed to be or just make it wrong again. The wrong ones were so right.

Currently listening :
By Ninetynine
Release date: 23 December, 2003

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