This morning I have the house to myself, but only until I leave it to do homework, right around the time I would likely no longer have the house to myself anyway.
I am still sleepy and should be in bed. Even though I didn't get to bed until about 1:45am, I am awake at 7am and have been for at least a half hour. This is dumb. It's not the light of the morning: there's none of that to be seen. It's conditioning. I hate being so Pavlovian.
Yesterday I IMed with Neal Ozano, man of gigantic cranial mass, and discovered he is in Edmonton right now for an indefinite amount of time (he's been in Halifax since my Japan days). There is a possibility that I will see my old flatmate after.... maybe 8 or 9 years, though that does sound ridiculous. We discussed something about lying, him being shocked I would suggest he lie about wanting to work to get a job, when I reminded him about writing his own obituary at the student paper we worked for. This got me interested to see what info remains of it, but I haven't been able to find much mention of it and tiredness prevents me from searching much more this morning. Sad, really.
Last night I went to the Columbia to see Shout Out Out Out Out with 5 other people. My house guest and I took the bus and, after arriving to a line-up, saw that two of the guys on our bus were the "bouncers" (the one guy had too much manscaping to be a real bouncer). We got in about 15 minutes later after they moved the regular drunks out (the Columbia is in the heart of the Downtown Eastside, or maybe just a valve or the aorta proper) and claimed what proved to be the only seating surface remaining in the whole place (the organisers decided it should be a "standing room only" kind of night). The 4 others arrived later and we chit chatted while listening to a couple of djs play ironic mixes of songs from the '80s, waiting for SO4 to play.
Waiting is key.
Some in our party started getting restless around 11:30, watching embryonic hipsters waiting for the coat check (a makeshift operation that was run worse than any high school dance coat check. Seriously, how can ONE PERSON run a coat check for 400 people on a rainy night?) and trying desperately to be noticed. The music might have been getting on their nerves (seriously, I don't need to hear shitty dance club music circa 1992), or it could have been the smoke wafting around us from the smoking room across the checkered floor (ladies with bellies full of babies don't need that shit [me neither]). By 12:20 they had had enough and swiftly left. Admitedly, I was getting sick of seeing people, but I keep missing SO4 so wanted to see a bit of them. They went on almost exactly at 12:30am and the place went a bit squirrely.
The remaining two of us weaved onto the dancefloor as people surged towards the stage. I'm pretty sure it was a chain-the-doors-to-keep-the-fire-marshalls-out kind of capacity, but only one person that kept obliviously banging into us really annoyed us. And the dancing guy with a polyester shirt on (read: smelly BO). And the drugged up girl in front of me who kept putting her boyfriend's hands on her tits. And pretty much everyone after 5 songs.
Still, we danced and that was good.
Hipsters are so tiring. It must be so hard for them to keep up appearances. And, can I say how much I HATE that fashions from the '80s are STILL in in hipster circles? Why are you wearing a Flashdance unitard and halter top IN PUBLIC?! Why can't the clothing die with the music? Didn't we go to '80s retro nights when I was in my undergrad 10 YEARS AGO? Frickin' frick....
OH! I also saw Jenny O and Andrea at the show last night, and they said that Danny might be moving back to town. This is pretty exciting news. Danny wears hats well.
Currently listening :
Writer's Block
By Peter Bjorn and John
Release date: 06 March, 2007
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