What a whirlwind of activity!
Well, not really.
Just back from a delightful evening spent with Toronto friend Alana. She's in town for work and we met up for drinks after she finished her work. I had a couple of snakebites. I'm such a fricking lightweight that I almost fell asleep on the bus home. She's super rad; I wish she and Dave lived in Vancouver, but they are good incentive to visit the COTU. I suspect she just humoured me after a while, as my stories got increasingly dull and the more I drank the slurier I got. (Any spelling/grammar errors are caused exclusively by the snakebites.)
I picked up my post on the way into my apartment building. There was a hefty envelope of a slightly thicker width than the standard bills I get in the mail. The handwriting said it came from Providence, Rhode Island. Who do I know in Providence? No one, as far as I can remember. It was with great excitement that I opened the envelope to find... stationery! It's the most awesome stationery. Little cards with cassette tapes on them and red envelopes. Whomever my stationery fairy is.... Thank you!
Saturday I'm finally going to celebrate my birthday. I had a lot of stuff going on during my actual birthday last fall and was not in a celebratory mood, so shortly after my actual birthday I thought a 33 1/3 birthday party would be better. Saturday is almost exactly 1/3 of the way into my 33rd year. I had grand plans, but the threat of assignments has led to a slightly less prepared party than I wanted. The door prizes are sort of half-good, but there aren't enough for everyone... It will be a lucky few who will go home with something. The guilt is less severe knowing I either make more prizes or finish planning the presentation I'm scheduled to do the following Monday morning. Sorry in advance if you don't win.
The last couple of days have been emotionally draining and I think I'd better get to bed. This morning I woke up after 5 1/2 hours sleep and went most of the day on my 7:30am breakfast. Dinner consisted of some sort of extra-strength pain killer and a grande mocha with two shots of espresso. My heart was racing for most of the evening until I started to crash. I wonder what all this stress, guilt and poor eating is doing to me... I sometimes like to think I've reached that crazy balance that Mr. Burns had, where all the illnesses reached equilibrium and made him live despite everything in his body fighting against him. I am hoping that's the case.
So much more is going on in my head, but I can't begin to go into it right now.
Currently listening :
Winners Never Quit
By Pedro the Lion
Release date: 28 March, 2000
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