Seriously, I am beginning to wonder if I have some weird magical power that temporarily traps boys within my gaze, but only for a fleeting moment. They quickly regain their senses and forget I ever existed.
At some point today, I saw and talked to a boy that I had a weird relationship with (which, really, is every relationship I've ever had with every boy) and, after him not calling me for ages, he decided to call tonight to talk for no real reason. He had nothing to really say; just wanted to hear my voice again. I think this wholly odd, but also somewhat annoying because it brings up a whole new set of issues to fixate on. I mean, I knew I was a fantastic transition (I've got the track record to prove it), but now I've become space filler as well.
A gap in your schedule? I'm your gal. Waiting for the bus and bored? Call me. Had your heart crushed and just want someone, anyone, nearby? Oh right, that's my job. I need to stop applying for these shitty placements. I'm a terrible temp... Or really great, which is the problem.
It is possible I just need a good night's sleep. I think I might have slept 3 hours last night with no napping today, and I also neglected to eat more than a packet of Thai noodle soup, two gingersnaps and some Smartfood. I'm waiting for my body to really start fucking me over. I'm trying to get back at it for all the headaches it's been throwing at me lately. Believe me, the headaches started before last night's stupidness, so there's no direct correlation. Probably.
Off to read the latest BUST, even though it has Gwen Stefani on the cover. I'm not sure when I hated a magazine cover more, and I have to look at shit like US and People and Locus and Romantic Times almost daily, so that's saying something. Sleep, come quickly.
Currently listening :
Totally Crushed Out!
By that dog.
Release date: 18 July, 1995
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