Saturday, February 10, 2007

unchartered territory

Today I put up a profile for online dating. It's terrifying and, after writing and re-writing the "about me" about a dozen times, I'm still not particularly happy with it. You probably have to be in the mood to do it and, apparently, I wasn't in the mood. I'm still not sure if I'll even leave it up. I'm afraid the sorts of hits I will (or won't) get with it as-is.

Maybe I secretly don't want to be successful at this because the thought of serial dating makes my stomach knotty. That's a lot of exposing oneself to the possibility of rejection. I am not a fan of rejection. I'm also not a fan of not making out with someone on a semi-regular basis, so...

Makeout sessions require effort. Drastic effort.

This means I might also have to stop dressing like a 12-year-old boy.

Being a shy and single girl is really the worst thing you can be in this city. Vancouver is not a very friendly city and the last few conversations I've had with stangers have been more or less insane, larely because the people I talked to seemed to be unmedicated or suffering from some sort of extreme unrightness. I need to branch out in the hopes of talking to people who are moderately sane.

The newest form of social networking: OK Social Vancouver. One of my co-workers told me about it. You can order a free pin that has a little "OK" caption on it and, when you wear the pin in public, it means you are open to being talked to. I like the concept in principle, but know I will be the one the freaks latch onto. It's inevitable. And I'm not sure what sorts of friends you can meet randomly on the street and if said friends know any boys who like twee.

Seriously, where is the J-psychic's predicted guy at work that is supposed to be my match? Because he doesn't seem to be doing anything that would indicate that he's into me and I'm pretty sure I don't even know who he is.

OMG, I took a personality test today and was a little freaked out that the test says I have ESP because I often DO have ESP. It also targeted the dreaded empathy that has been my nemesis as of late. It's uncanny how correct it was and disappointing that I can be understood in 70 questions. It makes my exes that much stupider.

Currently reading :
The Blonde Geisha
By Jina Bacarr
Release date: 01 August, 2006

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