Thursday, February 22, 2007

so good

I have to admit something. I can't pretend anymore...

In my fridge, I have a small stash of flavoured soy milk. I'm a little embarrassed about it because I'm not even sure I like soy milk. I don't know that I've ever had plain soy milk, or if I did it's been quite a number of years, perhaps back when my sister was a rabidly overwhelming vegetarian/border-vegan. (I realise that description doesn't really make any sense... rabidly overwhelming? What the hell am I trying to say? But I refuse to self-edit it out.) Yet, it's still there and I still drink it.

Originally I started buying it because I had tummy grumbles in class and it was getting pretty embarrassing, the low rumble at the same time every morning. I'm almost certain people around me thought I was harbouring a small tiger somewhere on my person. The label claims various impressive things about high nutrient content. The little tetra of soy milk stopped the grumble so I could get through class without the humiliation of an angry belly. Except then I suffered the humiliation of drinking strawberry-flavoured soy milk in front of people who will be professional colleagues in the next year or so. How can you take someone seriously when they're drinking strawberry-flavoured soy milk?

And flavoured soy milk in general seems a bit weird. If it's meant to be a substitute for milk, shouldn't I stop buying/drinking milk? Would I actually buy strawberry-flavoured milk? Likely no. I can't even believe I liked strawberry Quik so much when I was a kid. Didn't I have tastebuds? That I like this stuff, does it mean I'm getting old-person tastebuds?

I even have a favourite brand.

Once, recently even, I was making a quiche and realised midway through the recipe that I didn't have milk. But I did have vanilla soy milk. So I put it in the recipe, which turned out OK but had a sweet smell, likely not the best pairing for broccoli/feta.

Last night I'm not sure I slept. Like, at all. I was still wide awake at 2:30am. My throat started feeling weird. I looked at my clock at 7:30 and decided to get up. I'm not sure when the lack of sleep is going to hit me, but I'm counting on it. I have a hair appointment this afternoon so, if I don't sleep when my laundry is done, I'm pretty sure I'll be nodding off in the chair. Thank goodness I trust my stylist not to make me look like a freakshow.

See any correlation?

Currently listening :
Nonstop to Tokyo Ep
By Pizzicato Five
Release date: 09 September, 2003

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