When I leave my house, trouble ensues. When I stay home, I don't really spend much money unless I see postings for new cookbooks that look awesome.
Yesterday I went out for all of two hours and came home with fabric for a dress and a bunch of groceries. I did discover that the new London Drugs near Cambie on Broadway carries Baconnaise, which is just the sweetest discovery of the week. (OK, maybe the second sweetest.) Last night I didn't do anything, but did order a couple of books that I've had my eye on for a bit: Ad Hoc at home and Field guide to candy. That should have been the end of the insanity.
I made plans with Jill to go to the 21st Century Flea Market at the Croatian Cultural Centre this morning. I just thought it would be a fun way to spend the morning/early afternoon, checking to see if I could find pigskin trays (it's the one thing I never find at flea markets/charity shops/thrift stores). Tangiene came as well and we got there shortly after it opened. I was doing fine, and was easily able to crush those feelings of longing for coloured Pyrex and Pyrex pouring bowls and pineapple Fire King mugs and all the sparkly costume jewelry. Then I saw it: a rather large set of china that was nearly perfectly perfect, except no soup/rim bowls.
It's a pattern I've seen before and admired, though generally just a couple of pieces and not nearly the set I saw. When the guy said it was $60 for the whole set... I walked around for a bit thinking about it, but kind of knew that it was a done deal if it was still there when I got back there. It's Foley Fern china and the set included:
- 7 dinner plates
- 8 salad plates
- 6 dessert plates
- 6 saucers
- 5 cups
- a gravy boat and plate
- 2 serving bowls
- large serving platter
Now, if only I had a tree of money, I wouldn't be internally freaking out about money right now.
Gorgeous! I just scored my grandmother's wedding china. I'll send pics when I bring it home.
Very good score if you ask me...to good a deal to pass up! Just make sure you make things with gravy...so you can use the boat!
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