Lately I've been thinking of doing a completely anonymous blog that covers all the finer details of situations I really don't talk about to pretty much anyone. I read a couple of questionable blogs that, if I were those people, I wouldn't want anyone to be able to identify me from. And every so often I get nervous pangs in my tummy when someone mentions something I wrote on my blog. I think back to how many details I actually wrote about so as not to give too much information away.
Usually it's fine and I heavily censor what I write anyway. But there are those moments... I've only completely eliminated one post in all the years I've been blogging. I think I was being particularly nasty to a person who had wronged me repeatedly over the course of 6 months and then I felt better after writing it but also the slightest amount of worry that someone else would think badly of me. Now I probably wouldn't care and would have left it up.
When I give out information, no one actually has the whole story. I spread it around like a squirrel, leaving tidbits in places to find later in the spring when the lawn mower blade finds the forgotten pieces for me. Oh right, I told that person about him. It's a poor information management system, but it keeps me from going completely nutty. Or perhaps it actually makes me nutty. I can't tell which.
Last night I went to the singalong with my friends and got really nervous when the one said that his friend had excitedly announced he had gossip for him. He has an idea of what it could be about, but in my head I tried to think if I'd recently said or done anything that his friend could possibly tell him about. I'm pretty sure if there was anything the friend wouldn't say anything, but there's always that little worry. I'm really curious about the gossip now, so hopefully I get the announcement of it shortly, and that it doesn't involve me. I cannot explain to you why I would automatically think the news was about me. I guess I'm narcissistic. The world revolves around me, doesn't it?
Anyway, if I do start an anonymous blog you probably won't hear about it. Unless I leave walnuts out for you to hit with your lawn mower.
I wish I had that idea. My Nemesis is apparently good friends with the person I like who got a job at Pepperdine this year, who had read all about the Nemesis and was able to figure out that the Nemesis was actually her friend. It made things a little awkward when all three of us wound up in the same town on the west coast at the same time. I also like walnuts.
Or you could just keep a diary!
Diaries are for prepubescent girls and gay men. I'd much rather have anonymity than proof of my naughtiness that could be discovered and read out at a party.
I must protest: Diaries are also for aging lipstick lesbian fag hags.
I guess that leaves you altogether out of the equation.
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