Wednesday, June 4, 2008

frozen memories

Ice cream is on sale at the drug store near my house, so I felt I needed to get a couple of flavours, just in case. Didn't know what the gums would want.

Having blocks of ice cream in my freezer reminds me of the summer my old flatmate worked at Nestle, delivering ice cream to convenience stores. He used to "accidentally" break boxes of ice cream products because any open boxes were unsellable and it meant he could bring them back to the apartment. We had a lot of ice cream that summer; so much that, by the end, he was making deals with a guy who worked at Molson. A one-for-one deal meant Neal would get a flat of beer for a box of 24 Haagen Dazs bars.

For Canada Day my friends and I got messed up on pot and probably big bottles of Mike's Hard Lemonade on the roof of my house while avoiding wasps and ate ice cream from the box with forks on the sidewalk, listening to the fireworks down the street and on the other side of the river.

Everyone who spent any significant amount of time at our house gained weight that summer. With the addition of Nathan getting Neal to start drinking, binge eating became much more important and I often went to bed knowing there were a dozen ice cream bars in the freezer and awoke to find wrappers all over the table and the freezer empty.

The ice cream is on sale at Shopper's Drug Mart. It's Breyers.

1 comment:

Glasto Geek said...

Skor ice cream is never better than when eaten with a fork. Especially when you are sitting on a roof that may collapse, along with the attached 'staircase'...ah Edmonton.