The weather is confusing. When I wake up and do a weather check (which generally involves me sticking a bare leg out the door and peeking through the shades) it is almost always slightly cool and the sky is white grey. This is not weather that inspires confidence that the humidity won't morph into a downpour. Yet the humidity almost never turns to rain, the air starts to feel uncomfortably warm because the moisture sticks to you and it's hard to tell if you're hot or just wet and no matter what you wear you're not going to dress correctly.
Yesterday the weather was meh. Not really that warm but not that cool. Meh.
Plans to go to my first Canadians game would not be affected by this sort of weather. Really, plans wouldn't be affected by any sort of weather unless the game was rained out. By the time I left work the weather was starting to change.
So I hightailed it to Nat Bailey after work yesterday and the weather was greatly improved from the morning assessment. The sun was out and short sleeves were the uniform, fitting since it was the longest day of the year. At the stadium I discovered various things:
1) They did some sprucing up of the stadium, including some small historic displays in the lobby(? What do you call that area anyway? Concession area?). The blue stripe is gone.
2) All tickets are now assigned seating, which means going with a group of friends is more challenging if you all have tickets in different areas and try to sit with each other, and wind up getting kicked out by obsessive types who have to sit in their assigned seating.
3) Men enjoy getting fall-down drunk at baseball games. We sat in Section 10, past 3rd base, and drunk men gathered there to bond and prop themselves up against the small wall. Watching one man literally fall down because he was so drunk added to the drama of the game. Watching seemingly random drunk guys take care of him by carrying him around (think "Weekend at Bernie's") so he wouldn't get kicked out just added to the drama. The beer is $6.75 per plastic cup, which is slightly less than hockey games, but still not very economical.
4) The Canadians seem to suck this year. They were trounced 7-1 and have a 1-4 start this season, the worst start of any team in the league. This does not bode well for them if I continue to go to games this summer. I really turn on teams that consistently lose.
We chose to leave before the fireworks. Instead, we headed to the Reef for eating, since the Nat Bailey concession doesn't really have many non-beef options for food and one in our party doesn't eat cows. It was surprisingly busy at 10pm, almost completely full with a number of tables starting even as we were leaving. I just can't bring myself to pay for buses if I can walk, so walked home to chat with my friend and to walk off the plantain chips I had eaten (which are so yummy; Mmmmmm....).
I've got just one little 4 hour training shift on Tuesday and then I'm free for Sled Island next weekend. Pretty exciting!
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