I should be doing homework right now, but I just can't concentrate. I'm really trying hard to not drop out of this second class, even though it isn't hard and under normal circumstances I would be kicking its ass. I can't be that much of a quitter all in one week.
Today my union went on strike and it is highly unlikely anything will be resolved for weeks. At coffee (Thursday is my CBC experience day until the end of October), one of the CBC reporters wanted a community story and asked about the strike. She seemed shocked that librarians get paid so little and have a pittance of holidays at the public library, but I don't think she's going to follow up with a hard-hitting pro-union story or anything. It probably isn't cutting enough. Let's face it: no one really cares about library workers.
I realise I should be much more frugal than I have been, especially in light of the fact I won't be getting paid for at least a month (it takes a bit for strike pay to kick in), but it's hard to not spend money when it's summer and I want to spend time with friends who are gainfully employed and enjoy drinks on patios and such. Sigh.
Maybe I should think about organising some sort of fundraiser so I can pay rent and tuition. You know, after I get my homework done and stuff.
Really, I suppose I could have done homework this week if I didn't want to be sociable. Monday I had a group meeting for school, so it's somewhat ironic that school got in the way of schoolwork. On Tuesday I had poker night at mine (tried to win some money, but didn't) and wound up staying up with my friend for a while afterwards, chatting and stuff, making it impossible to do anything school-related. Then last night I met up for drinks and a lovely chat with one of the best boys I know, who also has the most fantastic hair of anyone ever (he's swoony and I secretly adore him, but shhhh... don't tell). By the time we went for sushi and beer, there was no way I wanted to do any school work, even though I got home relatively early. Tonight after CBC work, I had a couple beers with my supervisor and a couple of my friends (in solidarity. My supervisor is fantastically supportive of my union, being both a unionist and a librarian, and knew that I was having a less-than-great day with the strike starting, so picked up some Okanagan beer for me since he knows I'm from the general area), and then went to the Railway where Christine treated me and Eileen to some more beer and foodstuffs. Now I am a little too tipsy to read and write about young adult materials, even though I really need to get it done.
I know everything evens out eventually, but I can't even begin to make up for how kind friends have been, this summer especially but also in general. I marvel at how lucky I am to know such amazing people.
Tomorrow and Saturday, and possibly Sunday, I'll be on the picket line at Central, so if you feel like popping by, I'll be the one with the sunburn, possibly suffering from sun stroke in a shady corner of the library exterior. If you have a wide-brimmed hat, please consider donating it to the "keep Karen from dying of exposure" campaign. All donations will be reimbursed by hugs, cheek kisses/make-out sessions (really, only the best boys with fantastic hair can participate in the make-out session) or some sort of sewing project of a manageable (read: small) size.
There are two yappy, barky dogs in or outside my building, but it's the first time I've ever heard them. They've been yapping for almost an hour already with no indication that they're going to shut it.
Currently listening :
Cafe Reggio
By Holiday
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