Saturday, July 28, 2007

goings on

I feel like I'm in a fog. I may have shut down all abilities to emote anything.

The last couple of days I've been on the picket line. Anyone who says union workers are lazy obviously haven't been on strike. It's physically and emotionally draining to walk on pavement for 8 hours a day, and is not something anyone decides to do lightly, I assure you. I don't want to be on strike, but I also don't want to lose my job in a year (absolutely possible with proposals presented by management). I also don't want to be paid 70% less than men doing a less-demanding job just because I'm in a female-dominated workplace.

My union (established 78 years ago) has never been on strike. Ever. I resent anyone telling me my co-workers and I are greedy and lazy; all unions are not the same, which is why there are so many different locals. If library workers are pissed off with how they're being treated, understand that there is a major problem with the bureaucratic infrastructure of the municipality.


I splurged and bought a ticket to Justice today (available at Scratch... you should get one, too!), so have a couple of things to look forward to in the fall, regardless of how the rest of the summer goes. "Cross" still kicks wicked ass. I totally want to go to Au Revoir Simone on August 22nd, too; not sure I can convince anyone to see three girls from Brooklyn. I'm trying not to look at the listings because I don't want to want to go to anything. I think I'm going to Ryan Adams tomorrow; I may have acquired a free ticket due to re-scheduling issues.

Just on my way out to the lantern thing tonight.

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