Tuesday, January 30, 2007

the other shoe

Whenever I think things are going badly for me (which, lately, is often), there are always reminders that it could be worse.

Case in point: my friend may have to move back with his parents for the next 6 months. It's a good reason, mind you, but still... Can you imagine moving back in with your parents in your thirties?

His dad wants him to learn about his family's investments, how to manage them and what all there is. He's giving his dad 6 months to teach him everything, just in case something happens to his dad. Really, I think his dad is just trying to trap him into looking after him and his mom. How can he get married and provide the much-desired grandchildren if he's living in his parents' house?

We've had a number of conversations over the years because our parents are of similar ages. Both of us know that we may have to care for our parents if something happens to them, but I'm not sure either of us thought it would happen so soon. It freaks me out for the same reason it freaks him out: the idea of living in our hometowns freaks the shit out of us. We both got out of there as quickly as possible after graduation and have spent very little time there since. Moving back... *shudder*

Today after work I'm going for my first cheesecake club meeting. We go and eat cheesecake. That's about it. But we have a few members who have made plans to do this regularly, so now I feel like we need a logo or uniforms or something. Last Saturday I went to my first cake club meeting, though one member got stuck at a bus stop, so it wasn't official. Soon, though, we will get it going on. There is also talk of a pie club and a high tea club, but this "club" thing might just be getting out of hand....

Back to work.

Currently reading :
Lost Girls and Love Hotels: A Novel (P.S.)
By Catherine Hanrahan
Release date: 03 July, 2006

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