Monday, October 30, 2006

in a different light

On my way home from work today I watched a dad scoop up his little son with one hand and literally fling him onto his shoulders, landing perfectly. It made me laugh out loud.

The light was perfectly perfect this morning when I left the house. There were no clouds, the sun was bright, and the air was crisp. It was exactly the kind of morning I wanted to have today. When I got off the bus I decided to take a couple of pictures to try to document the morning. Joe Fafard's bull eyed me so I shot it. And my work building sort of glowed a brilliant copper so I tried to get it all in with the last remaining leaves on a tree.

I have a slice of pecan pie to eat, a gift from my friend Christine. I've been thinking of it all day, so may just cook up my halibut and scarf down the pie first. Mmmm... pie.

I swear I'm not bipolar. I just decided when I woke up that I wanted to have a good day today. So I did.

Currently listening :
It's Love
By Softies
Release date: 26 September, 1995

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