Tonight I walked from Granville Island to Broadway Station, hoping for some clarity on life, trying to gather my thoughts and feelings after the cloud of beer wore off. The walk, while lovely and lengthy, did nothing but give me time to think. Thinking is not always the best thing when you've got a head full of the stuff I have in my head at any given moment. So I wasn't really in the best mood when I got back home.
Until I looked in my mailbox.
My university friend, David, clearly the cutest boy in the world as voted by every person I know who has met him (except for that one guy who didn't like him, but I think he was just jealous because of David's high cuteness ranking), sent me a package with a mixed CD and a letter. How did he know that was what I needed? And this isn't the first time. He always seems to send mixed CDs at just the right time, when I most need post and/or a "how's it going?" from a friend. Other friends have also commented on this skill of his. I'm envious.
The new ReadyMade also came today, with a DingDong wedding cake on the cover. This doesn't impress me. OK, it does a little. What really piqued my interest was an advertised book entitled "The procedural dating kit: because romance is a negotiation". This speaks to my love of process, of systematic documentation, of procedure. It also comes with a dater ID card. I sometimes think an arranged marriage isn't all bad, that if you can make the final decision after meeting without all the threat of dowry killing and all that... It just seems easier when you both know what you're signing up for. And that level of commitment is so mindboggling.
Maybe it's time to give the twee a little rest. It's making my heart hurt. After Valentine's Day I'll start upping my doses again.
Is anyone else having problems attaching music/books/DVDs/etc. to their blog? Because suddenly that search option don't know me anymore.
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