Monday, February 27, 2006


In my mail today there was an invitation to an art opening. The subject matter in the image: crows. I'm not even joking. I also had a drink called Murder of Crows last night and it was the colour of what it would look like after they ripped my entrails out of my body.

My trip wasn't restful, but it was nice. The highlight was a visit with my grandparents, both in their 90s. Everytime I leave I bawl because I know it could be the last time I see them. They've been married for over 70 years and really rely on each other. I honestly don't think they could live without each other. My grandfather is grumpy, always looking at the things they can't do anymore, while my grandmother is positive and points out what they can do. And they have amazing stories. They are sweet and I'm always grateful when I see them.

I love visiting Edmonton. I still have some fantastic friends there and, obviously, my grandparents. It just feels different there, good different, and I'm always glad when I go. It's just easier. But I can't imagine moving back. My friends bought a house built in 1947 with all the original features (curved door frames, hardwood floors, inset laminate curved up at the corners, etc.) and seven bedrooms. Seven! Lofts downtown on Jasper start at $90,000. And, even though I'm completely jealous, I don't know that being able to afford a house there is enough for me. Even my old prof suggested that there's so much work in the museum field that I could get in with just my BSc (they usually require a Masters). And it's all tempting. It is. I just... can't.

But, then again, I could.

I won't, though. Just when I feel like I'm getting my stuff all in order, with school and the prospective new apartment, the temptation of skipping town pops up again. I'm probably getting too old for running away when I don't want to deal with something or when I get nervous about failure. Will just have to make more trips to Edmonton. Besides, I can't visit Dulcie and Nels too often because they just get me stinking drunk and shove homemade perogies into me until I feel like the explodey guy from The Meaning of Life.

This week: controller.controller/You Say Party! We Say Die!/Meligrove Band. Exciting! Still have a Belle and Sebastian ticket to sell for the 24th.

Currently watching :
Fever Pitch (Widescreen Edition)
Release date: 13 September, 2005

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