Thursday, February 9, 2006

funny (ha ha) story

Last night I went to the Canucks game with my friend and overheard an amusing story.

Firstly, let me preface this. Sitting in row 5, I gathered that people in seats that close to the ice fall into one of three categories: 1) friends with seasons tickets couldn't make it and gave the tickets to the people sitting there (thank you JK!), 2) they're seasons ticket holders who see a lot of games so it's no big deal and don't really care that they're there, or 3) people were on the ball and bought tickets when there were still some for sale and are excited to be there and are just getting completely trashed on $7.75 glasses of beer.

Right, the story.

So there was a row of category 3 behind us, a bunch of guys who spilled beer on my coat during the national anthems. That's how excited they were. During a stoppage in play, one of the guys behind us started telling his buddy this story. Seems he cleaned out his closet and got rid of (allegedly) "40 really nice shirts." He put them in trash bags and left them beside the dumpster. He can see the dumpster from his apartment, so watched as a dumpster diver discovered his shirts and started going through them. The guy put most of the shirts in his cart, but looked at a few and tossed them into the trash. So the guy telling the story was incredulous, like those were really awesome shirts. I enquired what sort of taste he had that a dumpster diver would take all but 3 shirts, that those shirts must have been ugly.

Apparently this was the wrong thing to say.

Listening to a straight metrosexual man defend his wardrobe choices for any length of time is tiresome. And so funny. At least he didn't defend white socks with black dress shoes.

Hey, are you free Saturday night? Might be time for LOTR.

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