The Tylenol 3 is kicking in. I tried to tough it out this time, but there's no reason to be a hero here. I'm the only one who suffers.
This morning I finally got the gum surgery that was delayed in January. Remembering the same surgery two years ago, I was pretty nervous and on edge about it. That surgery was somewhat debilitating for a week and inconvenient for weeks after that. I didn't drink at all for almost a month and the plaster in my mouth made talking and eating more difficult than it really needed to. The resulting lisp annoyed me, but I got some make out sessions because of it. That was, literally, the only plus.
The surgery today was for a study group my dentist is in, which means I didn't have to shell out $900 for this surgery (just $150). He showed his colleagues how to do gum grafting because he's kind of an expert. It was about half the surgery of the last time, so the bottom front and the roof of my mouth are only half as bad. It also isn't as painful, for whatever reason, but am enjoying the pain killers anyway. Might as well kill whatever pain I can.
I mean, he cut a piece of skin off the roof of my mouth, sliced my lower gums, and tacked the skin to cover up the hole. It's kind of crazy that this is good for me, long term, because it sounds fucked up. I'm feeling a little like Frankenstein's monster, only it's in a secret place that no one will know about. But I'll know...
Hopefully this admission won't lead you to come after me with torches and pitchforks.
The downside of this surgery is that I can't make out with anyone for a few weeks and other activities are out for a while (activities I won't talk about here). Not that this will be a huge challenge, but I don't like not being able to make out when make out sessions come around. You've always gotta be ready to lock lips when the opportunity arises.
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