Sunday, October 18, 2009

making it happen

At some point in the last 24 hours I thought it would be a good idea to invite my friends over for dinner. This is amusing because I haven't been for groceries for more than a couple days and haven't even finished sorting out my kitchen and where everything should go. But still, I invited people over.

It was fine. I worked until 5 and then picked up the stuff I needed, and threw it all together (almost literally). Managed to sort of make it look like my apartment wasn't a complete mess. They brought wine and I joined them without any major mishap and they really liked what I made (prosciutto-wrapped chicken and garlic roasted potatoes with a pear & goat cheese salad). I'm pretty sure that I should invite people over more often, but always have some concern that people will just be polite even when it isn't that good. (In this instance, the mmmmms made me think they were either being honest or they're really good at faking.) Maybe I'll make that my new year's resolution: invite people over for food more often.

I didn't get around to throwing together the apple cake I wanted to make, but depleted the freezer supply of baking and now have to do some baking. Baking!

The wine... wine usually makes me physically ill and I thought it was some sort of allergy, but I managed OK tonight and topped off the wine with some beer and, still, everything seems fine. But I do desperately want to sleep, though it is almost 1am and I'm used to being in bed by about 10:30pm.

My friend told me a funny story about an UFC guy who has to do community service in Vancouver and is doing two hours of that community service at my workplace (not the library, but the building) on Monday. It involves him talking about ground combat in the gym area and I'm going to see if I can somehow go see what's what before I have to go home. How random and strange.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get rid of my returnables and maybe drive my parents' truck while they're away (I think they're flying to Egypt right now). And get a bed frame for my bed from my friends and go to the apple festival at the UBC farm. And make some quince jam/jelly after collecting some canning supplies. And deal with the tomatoes that have ripened on my counter. And maybe deal with the fruit my mom brought that is starting to soften, including the nectarines that I'd like to turn into jam. (I gave away a jar of peach jam tonight and should maybe replace it with more.) Busy, busy.

I realise this is rather dull, but I'm also a bit tipsy and don't want to be more interesting right now. To bed!

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