You know how Oprah says something about there being signs that you should make changes to your life and how sometimes it takes really significant signs to make you pay attention... I'm starting to feel like that a little bit.
Working at one of my jobs tonight was one of the weirdest things as of late. I walked in and everything looked brighter (which was actual: they finally replaced a huge number of lightbulbs that were burnt out) and it disoriented me a little. Then I started to get a recap on what's been happening the last few weeks since I last worked. The place is going to pot. I'd be surprised if I even get work there again. Poor management/minion relations on the floor I work on, much worse than when my previous manager was here (she's one of my references and is incredibly awesome) and I could actually get shifts. And with all the provincial funding cuts to libraries, and most likely cuts from the municipal government's funding for the library, chances are I'll be looking for as many additional jobs as I can get. This fall I will have three and it won't be enough.
So... is this my latest sign that I don't belong here? A big FUCK YOU from some higher power? Because I'm freaking out how little I'll be making this fall, despite all the jobs. Some sort of miracle needs to happen to make things seem a bit less scary.
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