Friday, August 14, 2009


One of the craft blogs I regularly read had a frightening book on display this week, Crochet adorned. I mean, it seems to have cute things from the blog review photos, but I wonder if this book now looks like all those weird crochet books from the 1970s did then. Is it modern eyes that make this book look OK? Would crocheted earrings and crocheted trim on a coat still be considered cute in a couple years? In ten years? In thirty years?

I guess this is why I like cookbooks. Most of them don't seem to date as badly as other types of books (unless you're talking about anything jelly-molded or created with aspic; there's nothing that dates a book faster than those things, especially with full-colour accompanying photos). The hundreds of books I've discarded at the library, many from the '70s and '80s, had dreadful covers that probably looked old after a year or so. Anytime you put clothing on the cover it limits the shelf life of a book. Which is why romance novels hold up so well...

Seriously, what were people thinking crocheting shit like this?! It boggles the mind.

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