Thursday, September 11, 2008

twinges of sun

I favour the bus over the Skytrain unless I'm super late and the train is the only way to get to work on time. The train is crowded and people seem to be more annoying on the train than on buses. It doesn't happen that I'm late too often, so I take two buses so I can get 2 or 3 blocks from work.

Today on a two-block stretch on Hastings, I saw the following, all of which made me smile for different reasons:
1) a man with faded jeans and a cut-off plaid shirt and long hair was bending over to pick something up, revealing his black thong
2) a couple pushing shopping carts stopped to share a laugh and he fed her a piece of fruit
3) signs on a development read: "Concord Pacific hates poor people."

My tooth chipping incident ended with $150 for 20 minutes of tooth work. I think it might have been more had the dentist not clarified my situation with dental coverage. She thought I had two plans and started to ask about other work I've had done, but I have no plan and mentioned that after she questioned why I didn't want to talk about my gum surgery. She then got straight to work, which reminds me that I should always start off all dental visits by stating that I have no coverage. It will make all appointments that much shorter and cheaper.

Today I'm wearing the $0.94 shoes I purchased from Joe Fresh (yep, 94 cents!) and a burgundy shirt that, if I shift a certain way, looks much more risque than it initially appears. I also got to see Augie, Lily, Rachel and Nathan at the library, which was a super treat. Yay!

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