Thursday, September 25, 2008


"Glam God" fascinates me because a bunch of stylists wind up crying on a weekly basis, saying that fashion saved their lives or other such blather. Hmm... I probably shouldn't find this funny; it seems cruel to laugh at them. Tonight two of them cried: one because his partner was a drunk and he thought he was going to be eliminated and blubbered about only having $10 left and he wouldn't spend it on food, he'd spend it on fabric for a dress; the other was a preview for next week's episode.

Unrelated, today a hold I've been looking forward to came in. "The American resting place" is 400 years of cemetery history. The author was raised in Chicago, so I'm kind of excited to see how much is about Chicago cemeteries. The plates show a decent number from Chicago, with a few specifically from Graceland, which is tops on my to-do list when I visit next. A random flipping through the index allowed a glimpse of the Haymarket Riot's inclusion. I've been obsessed with cemeteries since I was a little kid. I remember attending funerals a lot when I was a kid, starting from when I was 3, and had to help the church clean the plots every fall in preparation for winter. I like cities I visit much more if I can visit the cemetery.

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