Sunday, August 10, 2008

no bother

Things I wanted to do today:
- walk around the 'hood to find a place to live
- go for dim sum
- pick blackberries
- go see Shout Out Out Out Out at Richard's tonight
- start packing

Things I will likely get done from this list:
- none of it

I become more Eeyore-like as each day passes, resigning myself to the fact that I must have done something terrible to have such miserable luck with the house hunt. Add to that the fact that I realised I'm not longer friends with someone that I thought I was closer to makes me wonder how long I will pay for whatever I did that set The Fates off.

Yesterday I looked at a place that was more than I could afford, assuming I want to be able to buy food and/or pay off my residual school-related debt. It was the first place I actually got to see, and it wasn't at all a place I would choose to live voluntarily. I would have had to put my dining room set in a bedroom, but there were two bedrooms so I guess that would have been... OK. It just didn't feel right at all, so I had to pass on it. (That it would cost me $500 more per month might have been a more specific reason.) Still, I'm still too stubborn to look too heavily at places south of 23rd, east of Fraser or west of Granville. I wonder at which point that will change; I hope it doesn't get to that point.

It doesn't help that Craigslist is full of $1600 apartments, spam from Nigerians, arguments about not allowing pets in rentals and little else (and isn't even loading today).

"Nobody tells me. Nobody keeps me informed. I make it 17 days come Friday since anybody spoke to me." - Eeyore

Neither my will nor stomach is strong enough for this.

Are blackberries even ready yet?

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