The real push to ready myself for my (self) congratulatory graduation trip happens today. Just one thing worries me... I think I might have failed a class.
I'm not being melodramatic by any stretch. I got part of my marks back for a massive assignment and I just don't see how I can pass with what he's told me. Since some job places have started asking for transcripts, anything lower than a B+ is, essentially, a failing grade because no one gets lower than a B+. Except for me. This is a concern.
This trip is really the only thing I have to look forward to in the next while. Everything else is completely overwhelming me and I need the distraction from the stuff that doesn't seem to be going well.
I am getting pretty excited about the trip, though. I've got stuff planned for the mostpart in New York (MoMA, the Costume Institute, maybe a Yankees game, wandering Park Slope, maybe a boat ride around Manhattan, the top of 30 Rock, hopefully I'm From Barcelona if my plane gets in well, etc.) with some flexibility to meet up with a couple of people. Chicago is planned in theory, but things will start falling into place when I actually get there and meet up with my friend. Toronto I am the least concerned about, simply because... well, I don't know why. I guess because I know the most people there and just assume someone is going to take care of me if something happens. And I've never been there so really have few expectations for things to see/do. There's a lot of tentative planning that needs to be finalised. Though the transit strike is worrying. Terrible timing. No idea how I'm going to get anywhere.
Today is the day to get everything else ready. I'm finishing off my school drop-off stuff so they let me graduate (assuming the best with that mark) and don't make me pay more tuition, picking up tickets to the ceremony that no one wants to go to, and debating with the U-Pass people what to do with the U-Pass they gave me. Then the trip prep begins, though, really, it's just buying travel insurance and exchanging money. And buying batteries. Lots and lots of batteries. I tried to make a to-do list, but it's pretty sparse.
I'm excited because I realised I bought a box of cameras (can't remember how many... maybe 7 or 8) last year and I haven't used any of them. Don't ask me, "How the hell do you buy a box of cameras and forget about it?" I've been preoccupied. I'm taking my unused Orbit and a few rolls of expired film, and will see what happens. I'd really like to take more cameras, but realistically I'll probably forget to take pictures anyway. The Orbit is fun-looking, though, because it's got a flip-top lens, so I can take hip-level shots without people noticing, except for the loudness of the motor winder as the next frame lines up.
Maybe I should doublecheck on my flights, that I'm still booked...
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