My oven hasn't been working well for a while. Last week the bottom element stopped working almost completely. It doesn't get hot. This means things won't bake. The lack of baking means turkeys can't be roasted.
Now, maybe you can see where I'm going with this. I'm supposed to house my family for Christmas this year. My family enjoys turkey on Christmas Day. No oven... no turkey... no family.
That's right: a lack of oven means my family is staying home for Christmas. I got the news when I updated my mom on the oven situation.
Quite frankly, this is a surprise. It is unfortunate, sure, but I'll manage on my own. I've never been one for holidays anyway. I am sad I won't get to see my parents and brother for a while, but it can't be helped. No perogies or cookies... that's sort of sad, too.
As it is, I might be getting a new oven on Saturday. Apparently it looks like the thermostat, which means it's cheaper to replace than fix. Sweet.
The stove that ruined Christmas. :( That totally sucks, and I hope you have some fun times anyway.
The whole M'ham clan is traveling to see the American-side of the family on Saturday. Wish us an uneventful security line.
Happy uneventful security line! Actually, the oven didn't ruin Christmas. I totally have things I can do, so I'm not upset or anything. I just feel bad for my parents. Sigh.
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