Tuesday, December 4, 2007

can't always get what you want

I've been on a fruitless quest for boots and a coat that don't suck. Today I wanted to see if anything good has happened in the coat/shoe worlds, or if stuff is on sale enough for me to find it OK enough to buy/wear. Not sure why I even bother.

The coat situation... well, I'm just going to have to give up on finding a winter coat that is nice and that fits and that doesn't cost more than I spend on a semester's tuition. I don't want a black coat. I don't want a long coat. I don't want a hood. Those are really my only criteria. Oh, and it has to fit. Today I looked at a lot of coats and none of them met all those traits. The one that came close is a rain coat, but I'm not sure I should buy a rain coat when I lack the ability to generate enough heat to not get hypothermia while waiting for the bus for extended amounts of time.

The boot situation is problematic for two reasons:
1) I want low-heeled boots, probably.
2) My calves are too meaty for most conventional boots to fit over.
I blame two things for this:
a) genetics are cruel
b) my once-sporty self got lazy
Maybe if I concentrated on one or the other thing to look for I would be successful. Maybe.

I did purchase a bathing suit meant for rigorous swimming exercise in the near future. It did feel strange to buy a bathing suit in December with no plans to go to a hot place that would require a bathing suit. Buying bathing suits in December is probably not a great idea because they aren't really on sale and there are often a lot of spangly, sparkly, hanging things from bathing suits for sale in December. Maybe people that can afford (and have time) to go to sun destinations lack taste.

Also, I'm thinking of boycotting food. Generally.

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