Thursday, December 7, 2006

put a fork in it

In my hands right now I am holding my last assignment for this semester. It's a CD-RW with cover art, a brochure design and a database burned on it. Just have to take a trip out to campus and it will be out of my hands. Yea.

Truthfully, I'm not as excited as I thought I'd be. I actually kind of liked this assignment once I started working on it (which was actually Tuesday night), and I could have easily gotten it done last week if I hadn't whined about it for so long. It's still going to be submitted a day early, so that's something. And it means I could, technically, go see my friends' band play tonight and have some booze, as per their requests. Will see how the day goes.

I have to admit, though: I did drink some last night. Friend was over to watch a crappy video and I drank some Strongbow. MMMmmmm...Strongbow. I wonder if being done with it all this semester will make me drink more or less. What else am I going to do with all this extra time?

Oh, right. Get ready for Christmas.

Which reminds me... Today is the holiday tea at work. I'm going in with Tupperware (you think I'm kidding; I'm not) and will steal away treats when people aren't looking. I meant to bake some cookies, but will maybe see how things go on my way back from campus, since I have to go to the shop either way. I wanted to make chewy chocolate bites; still might. I could also just go shopping for stuff, like some pants or shoes, as a reward for finally getting through this semester. That sounds like a good plan.

Sneeze attack.

Also wanted to say thank you to all of you who have been so supportive these last few months, even though I've been a farily negligent friend in return. I've got a month to make it up to you. I really appreciated all the kind comments and messages.

My counter suggests my page has been viewed 3000 times. That's nuts. Who are you people? How did you find me?

Currently listening :
The Coast Is Never Clear
By Beulah
Release date: 11 September, 2001

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