Of note today (at least in my mind):
Just saw a commercial about... something (I wasn't paying attention)... but it involved Ellen DeGeneres interacting with a bunch of animals around her set. The thing that killed me was that a raccoon held up a makeup brush and then the shot panned to Ellen. Her eyes were black-rimmed. This was hilarious.
Lately I've been feeling wacked out at work. It has felt weird that I'm there so often, especially since the whole place is chaos right now because people are changing schedules and leaving for other divisions. It is not the comforting, easy job it was just 6 months ago, and I mourn the loss of that old feeling. Thank goodness I get a couple days off to host my family in a confined space. So relaxing.
Dawn from "The Office" (UK) is on the new Matthew Perry show. It has made me laugh out loud. It is weird to see Dawn using a different name and not making out with Tim. This show is going to get cancelled and it will make me sad.
I was going to tell you something else. What was it? Crap, I can't remember. It was amusing, though.
A week before Christmas and I still haven't started my Christmas cards. I suspect I'll be aiming for New Years. Sorry in advance for not sending a card sooner. Or at all.
Just 6 days to clear out my storage closet of all the empties piled up in there. I suspect it would concern my parents to see that many empty alcohol bottles in my possession. And I might have to just accept that I can't drink all the beer in my fridge and just declare it off limits to those taking over my home.
One of my blog subscriptions includes Chris, drummer of Paper Moon and generally hilarious guy. Today's entry? Bril. Read about Chris' new job and get 911 ready on speed dial to deal with the exploding side issue you will soon have.
Currently reading :
Holidays on Ice: Stories
By David Sedaris
Release date: 01 November, 1998
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