Monday, September 4, 2006

in review

I realise I neglected to mention I was leaving town for the weekend. Ooops. Sorry about that. Anyway, a little recap of the pre-weekend stuff, with the weekend recap to follow. Eventually.

Last Tuesday I went to a radio taping of a new show on the CBC called "The Debaters." Shawn Mujumber hosts it and has two comedians debating about current events. We were in Studio One from a bit before 7pm until 9:30 to tape three half-hour episodes with one break in between. When we sat down I noticed the music: Paper Moon! They played nothing but Paper Moon to set the mood, which David and I liked a great deal.

When the show started I thought it would be easy. I mean, three half-hour episodes is only 1 1/2 hours. Easy peasey. In reality, it is extremely hard to laugh and clap for that long. My hands hurt, my throat was sore... Nothing seemed very funny by the end. I was tired! From listening!

Shawn Mujumber is short, about my height, so obviously I had an instant crush. It was short-lived; by the time we left the studio it was done. But he is funny.

On Wednesday Tangiene and David and a couple of his friends came over to watch "Wonder Showzen: Season One." It's almost a little too painful to watch, and I actually felt bad laughing at some of the more horrendous stuff. But still... I realise that I'm not very politically correct sometimes and other times I'm overly PC. Must look for a balance.

Thursday I met up with Rachel, Nathan and Augusten for a good hang-out session. I've been concerned that Augie hasn't been a big fan of me the last couple of months. He gets pissy when I'm around, doesn't want to sit with me, pretends he don't know me. This time I was going to make him like me again. I was, after all, the baby whisperer for a while. Turns out Augie likes me again and is getting pretty animated and fun. His parents like to make him do party tricks like a monkey (haha), but I guess that's all an important part of growing up, performing for guests. By the time he went to bed we were all three dead tired. It's sad when a baby can outlast three adults.

Tomorrow I'm starting school and am a bit nervous. I'm sure it will be fine, but I seem to enjoy worrying about everything so might as well worry about this, too. I paid my tuition on Friday (ouch, my bank account) and submitted an application for a workplace scholarship (pretty sure I won't get it). I also bought most of my books on Thursday after work (holy crap, $143 with three books to go) and have a couple of coil binders to write in. Just need a watch to get to class on time and I could be set. I should maybe get stuff together for tomorrow so I know where I'm going. When I get into a regular schedule with work and school I'm sure things will feel less nervewracking. As it is my tummy hurts with worry.

OK, weekend recap soon. I think I might go to a housewarming tonight, so it will follow shortly.

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