Sunday, September 17, 2006

i don't need no education

I am becoming so fricking boring, it isn't even funny. Which is the whole problem.

Everything I think about is in relation to what I have due. Can I go to that rock show, or do I have to work on an essay due a few days after? Should I make plans with a friend I haven't seen for a few weeks, or do the reading for a class discussion tomorrow? Talk on the phone to catch up with someone, or do my online course? Two weeks in and I'm already sick of thinking about school. It wakes me up at ridiculous hours (5am, anyone?) and occupies large portions of my emaciated brain. Zombies would not be interested in my brain because there's nothing going on, no sign of life.

Guh. Only 11 weeks of classes left. I just have 19 official assignments and about 5 extra, mandatory but currently hypothetical assignments to complete in these 11 weeks. Oh, but one of those assignments is a take-home exam. One nice thing about grad school is that I don't have exams in the traditional, cram-all-night-and-write-garbage-the-next-day sort of way. No, I get one take-home exam that will probably be a heavily-researched essay. But it is due a week after everything else is due, so, in theory, it's the only thing I need to think about that week.

It's probably hard to tell, but I don't want to talk about school.

Tonight I think I'm meeting up with the other bridesmaids for the last Operation Bridesmaid meeting before the Jack & Jill party next Saturday (the wedding is the following week). I have been avoiding everything wedding-related, except for the bride, and finally sent an email to the others yesterday. Within hours a meeting was planned. I suspect I will be subject to snide comments from at least one of them and perhaps there are inside jokes between them now with regards to me. Whatever. I don't care. I just need all the wedding crap to be done because, as earlier mentioned, my brain isn't able to think about the wedding anymore.

One good thing to report: I've almost finished my bridesmaid dress. Just have to sew on buttons and snaps, and hem the bottom (though I think it would be easier to just sew some binding and leave it at that). It really didn't take that long to do and probably will look OK. It was strongly suggested that I get a tan, real or artificial, for this wedding, but there is no fucking way I'm going to do that. These little "demands" that I do something (ear piercing? starting a wedding savings account? buying a ball gown?) make me passive aggressive crazy and make me want to avoid talking to them for the month before the wedding. Oh wait, I already did that.

I just realised I have to buy a shower gift _and_ a wedding gift. Oops. Maybe I should check to see if there's anything left on the registry.

Oh, something that amuses me... On the Thursday that we're leaving for the wedding, I have a tour to go on for school. I'm back on Sunday night. Guess when the written report/analysis of the Thursday tour is due. And I haven't been able to track down the instructor to see if I could hand it in the following day.

If you've gotten through all that whining and complaining (whine, whine; complain, complain), good for you. You get to be reminded that tomorrow (September 18th) is "Talk Like A Pirate" Day. Shiver me timbers. (Is that in reference to peg legs?)

Currently listening :
Born Again in the USA
By Loose Fur
Release date: 21 March, 2006

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