Thursday, June 29, 2006

i know what you're thinking

Sometimes I freak myself out.

My clock radio just went off in my bedroom, a 3-metreish walk with angled walls in between, and, despite it being set at a fairly low volume, I could sort of hear it. I immediately said to myself, oh, that's Simple Minds doing that terrible song that I don't like. But then I second-guessed myself because my hearing isn't what it used to be. I got closer and, sure enough, it _was_ Simple Minds doing that terrible song that I don't like.

So, either I have a ridiculous skill with identifying music of the '80s (which I suspect) or I'm an all-knowing being (which I sometimes wish for).

When I was younger I would often have dreams that I would remember and then what I dreamt about would happen weeks or months later. Often they weren't important things; generally it was situational with specific conversations. Sometimes it was situations where I could see and hear everything except for the person's face. Those were the ones that really freaked me out.

I had a dream when I was in grade 11 about being in a darkened room with someone talking behind me, saying a very specific phrase. It was odd when I dreamt it because I remembered everything except for the face (I mean, it was behind me). I didn't think of it again until 2 years later when I found myself in the exact situation, with the specific phrase coming from a boyfriend I'd met only a few months before. And as I answered him according to the dream's transcript, I knew what he was going to say before he said it, and he said exactly what he did in the dream. I got those chills I get when I realise I had "a moment."

And when I was around 11 or 12 I could accurately choose numbers for lotteries. My dad would get one number from each of us kids and mine was always one of the numbers called. Sadly, my skills were never exploited so we could actually win the lottery.

I also have a fair bit of deja vu, but not as much as I used to. It's harder to be in-tune with psychic powers in Vancouver; I think the concrete and steel and glass buildings mess things up.

Currently listening :
By Suburban Kids with Biblical Names
Release date: 18 October, 2005

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