Sunday, June 4, 2006

the battle with nature

As I left the house this afternoon a crow flew awfully close to me and caw-cawed loudly at me. Then another one flew ahead of me and did the same, like they were trying to corner me or something. How can I not dislike crows when they so obviously want to suck my sweet ocular juices? I have images of "The Birds" whenever I see more than one. I'm not afraid to admit it: I fear the crows. That they hang out so close to my house terrifies me.

Something that has been concerning me the last few months that I didn't want to mention but now feel I must because it's becoming more and more regular is that either I am part-skunk or there's a skunk posse following me around. Or a lot of people have really shitty smelling pot everywhere I go. Last night my sister drove me home along Lougheed and around St. Catharines there was an overwhelming skunk smell for almost two blocks. I didn't see any roadkill. In my (now) old apartment I would sometimes be awoken by the smell of skunk and just assumed one was wandering around outside my window. But then I walk around town and will suddenly smell skunk. It's just so weird. The only place I've ever seen packs of roaming skunks is in the West End, not around East Van. I don't believe I smell like skunk, and if I did would I even know? Probably not because I'd be so used to the smell. So... where is this horrendous smell coming from? Perhaps my watcher is a skunk.

There's a cute little orange and white cat that sits on my patio and tries to get into my house when the door is open. I can't tell if the cat is just sociable or if he/she used to live in this apartment and is trying to come home. I wish I could like him/her, but she makes me sneeze.

I met a pug on Saturday. She was fun; we wrestled with her toy. She growled and dug her teeth into the toy and I lifted her up and swung her around. Then I petted her for a bit and couldn't get the smell of pug off my hands. And she made me sneeze.

Did I mention I'm allergic to animals? This is an adulthood development: allergies. It's slightly less than rad.

Are other people not on drugs paranoid of animals or is it just me? I don't feel like I can trust them.

Currently listening :
By Flin Flon
Release date: 29 December, 2000

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