I am seriously becoming the biggest bitch ever.
So I was at the Architecture in Helsinki show with TP and we secured our spot, up close enough that it would be very uncomfortable for others to move ahead of us. This, however, did not stop tallish men from pushing their way ahead of us and standing right in front of us. The first guy I started swearing at (who swears at strangers? Me, apparently) and he moved towards a thicket of tall men. But then the trouble began.
A huddle of dark-haired girls, some wearing haltertops, pushed their way in from the side. People tolerated it because there were only four. Then they called for their boyfriends to elbow their way to them with their drinks. So we rolled our eyes and re-established. Then more came, shoving worse than the others. I told a guy pushing on my shoulder he'd better not be trying to move towards the girls that just shoved their way in front of everyone and he got a worried look and moved in front of a guy who laughed at our stories about tall people at rock shows. Poor him. Then they started smoking. I, as nicely as is possible for me to be (which I think we all know isn't very nice), said they knew there was no smoking in the venue and to put it out. The guys beside me gave me a thumbs-up. The smoking guy was fine with putting it out, but apparently these girls think that if you're suck-up nice to people that they will allow you to do something detrimental in an over-crowded space. When I said it again she said something to her friends and they all looked at me. Like I care. So their friends started dancing like jackasses, waving their arms and grinding asses into those around them.
For the first time in ages, though, people around me were as annoyed as I was. A few other people also told this particular group to stop doing stupid shit that shouldn't be done in a crowd. I am so sick of people thinking that, if others aren't dancing as hard as them or drinking as much as them, they're the only ones that know how to have fun. I'm OK at having fun at rock shows. Sometimes I excel. But I also don't do stuff that's going to ruin someone else's time at a show. If the show were free, fine. But almost everyone has to pay for tickets and has the same right to enjoy (or hate) the show in whatever way they want. Except when it impacts others.
Sigh. Off the soapbox.
I would, however, have no problem going to shows with a 6'0" person in another city who likes the pop music and polka.
On the upside, I got the latest ReadyMade just as I was leaving home and had it with me the whole time, so at least I had something to look forward to while avoiding keys smacking against my hip and long hair whipped in my face.
Seriously, why are you friends with me? I'm so fricking grumpy lately.
"Attic and a basement with the knives serrated, I'll protect you." I'm thinking about knives now!
Currently listening :
Fingers Crossed
By Architecture in Helsinki
Release date: 06 April, 2004
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