Saturday, May 20, 2006

habits and such

These are the rules: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog about 6 WEIRD THINGS or HABITS about yourself. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged, and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says: "You've been tagged! Read my latest blog for details." Enjoy!

1) I still can't step on cracks for fear I'll break my mother's back. Seriously.
2) I wear Hallowe'en socks (purple with tiny green witches flying around on brooms) all year round, even though I generally dislike Hallowe'en (you'll need to comb through previous blogs to figure out why).
3) I own a Norah Jones CD, purchased with my own money, but never listened to completely. The shame... For me, this is weird.
4) When I meet someone for the first time, I think of various conversations we could have in the future and I decide if we can be friends based on these internal dialogues.
5) I check my closet nightly to make sure someone isn't hiding in there. I even set little traps so I'll know if someone tried to get out while I sleep.
6) I want to strike out at people who use the word "irregardless" because it isn't a real word.

- Rachel
- Nelia
- Tangiene
- David B. aka the cutest boy in the world
- Mike P.
- Colin/Chickpea (a combo!)

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