Wednesday, March 8, 2006

sons & daughter

OK, this might be my new favourite show. "Sons & Daughters" was on last night, two episodes back to back, and it was ridiculous. Somewhat painful, but in an amusing way. The pre-teen girl with glasses and braces is the most annoying character on that show, but she's my favourite. How odd is it that, when the extended family goes out for family bowling, all of them have bowling shirts? I know only two, maybe three people that have bowling shirts. But an entire family? Good for them.

The stepfather said to the stepson that he was thinking of leaving his wife, the guy's mother. He told one person and then the gossip spread through the family so the only person who didn't know was the wife. One of the kids glued a Hitler moustache on a sleeping great-aunt and filmed it. The attractive cousin talked up some girls; when the unattractive cousin came by and the girls said he was a loser, the attractive cousin told them they were ugly inside and that made them ugly outside. I'm starting to wonder if the people who write/wrote for "Arrested Development" got a new job on this one. It's that kind of roundabout dialogue. They have helpful name pop-ups so you know who everyone is and how they're related to the central character.

I'm not explaining this right.

I watched two whole episodes of a new show without turning it, even though the Simpsons were on. That's how into it I was. I barely watch anything the whole way through.

Oh, today at work the police were called in because three women had their purses snatched within a five minute period. They caught the guy and had him in handcuffs outside our window. It's hard not to stare out when something like that unfolds before your window. Unfortunately the one woman who saw her purse being taken later decided that she wasn't completely sure the guy was the right one, so they had to let him go. Ridiculous. The guy cut one of the security guards, but still wasn't held.

This was the most excitement we've had for a while.

I'm totally going out for $3.75 pints right now.

Currently listening :
Universal Audio
By The Delgados
Release date: 28 September, 2004

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